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Sleeping With The Enemy
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Posts posted by Zlinedavid

  1. I spent that afternoon in….Lexington, getting my then 5-month old son’s first pictures with Santa. Stayed away from anything that looked like a TV, and didn’t even open my phone. 

    Watched the game that night on the DVR after my wife and son went to bed, with both of our dogs (RIP) laying next to me. When the shot went in, I jumped off the couch and mid-jump, remembered everyone was asleep, so I managed to keep it silent. I’ll never forget the looks on the dogs’ faces watching me silently jumping around like an idiot. It was “Yep, he’s actually cracked this time”. 🤣

    • Haha 2
  2. 13 minutes ago, bluegrassIU said:

    That's not a sinking ship. It's a ship that is still finding its course.

    That's the absolute perfect analogy. 

    And these losses weren't just to power conference opponents, it's Syracuse and Wisconsin.  They've been mediocre at worst for the past 3 decades.  No loss is ever good, but those were not bad losses.

  3. 1 hour ago, IowaHoosierFan said:

    Speaking of this, Bardo mentioned it in the game how we were all business and no hi fives or yelling or flexing or anything.  I wonder why they were so emotionless in the first half while scoring at will?

    I don't have a problem with this, so long as they continue to play like they did in the first half.  I like a cool, stone faced assassin, especially on the road. 

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  4. 8 hours ago, htownbound said:

    Why give this guy a chance to destroy the program?? Why “see what he’s got”? Next year is a make or break year, and we don't have time to play around and give previously mediocre coaches a chance. We have all of the other pieces we need to be successful, but if Bell is our OC, we will most likely fail (I’ve posted his numbers below) with our schedule and Allen will be fired if next season is like this one. We would go back to where we were over a decade ago: no belief, no recruits, no good coaches, and no identity. I’m not sitting around another 10 years to get back to where we are now just because everyone wanted to give a mediocre hire a chance. Time is of the essence, and he is not an official hire [yet]. If he becomes official, then sure, I’ll cave. For now though, everyone needs to read the information and speak up.


    I’m going to post the same thing here that I did over at BTB.


    ““He is bad… here’s the best possible information that’s available (and really the only number you need to look at). 


    His offensive efficiency numbers by year and team:

    2014 - OC - Arkansas St 76th

    2015 - OC - Arkansas St 78th

    2016 - OC - Maryland 68th

    2017- OC - Maryland 70th

    2018 - OC - FSU 106th

    2019 - HC - UMASS - 128th

    2020 - HC - UMASS - 126th

    2021 - HC - UMASS - 127th 


    For reference, Coach Sheridan sat 104th in efficiency this year. For further comparison, here are the offensive efficiency numbers (from good years) at IU previously: 



    2019 - 17th


    Wilson / Kevin Johns / Seth Littrel:

    2016 - 53rd

    2015 - 27th

    2014 - 71st

    2013 - 20th

    2012 - 49th


    The numbers from former IU coaches are the numbers we know we need to compete in the B1G, and Bell is nowhere near them. I know Bell did great things with the rushing game at Maryland, or the passing game at FSU (think they finished top 2 in ACC that year), but his offenses still stunk. You can have all the stats that you want, but if your offense isn’t efficient, can't convert on 3rd down, stay on the field, win the turnover battle, or score when needed, then what good are stats?? 


    Hopefully something changes in the next (24 hours!)”” 


    I will also say this: there are not three people I could think of for this role. There are about 12-15, including Seth Littrel OR even Kevin Johns. This is just a flat out bad hire if it goes through. 

    DeBoer was 17th in the country when OC at Indiana, but as a head coach, his offenses have only been 75th and 69th. Guess he was a “bad hire” by that metric as well. And make no mistake, that’s his offense regardless of who his OC is. Just like IU’s defense is ultimately Allen’s. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Fiveoutofsix said:

    Watching post pandemic games, the balcony is hardly filled - horrible site lines.

    I was at IU during the nadir of the Davis era, but even then the balcony was maybe half full. Only time I remember it being more than half was for Purdue, and even then it wasn’t to capacity. 

    And the climb up was a beast. Almost made me think about not drinking as much before the game…..almost. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, FKIM01 said:

    Saw the ones out of stock. 

    But, remembered about Poshmark, a site my wife was selling/buying baby clothes on a few years ago. These little beauties are on their way to me: 


    $5 plus shipping. And I’ll get more use out of them than just Christmas. 

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