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Sleeping With The Enemy
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Posts posted by Zlinedavid

  1. Anyone have more than a year on one of the new Weber Genesis II models? I’m currently gas grill shopping, and that’s kind of the default pick, but just eyeballing them, they don’t look as sturdy as the old Genesis models. 

    I let my old Genesis go when we moved, since it had the expanded cabinets and was pretty bulky, and we didn’t know what our new patio/deck space was going to be like. Kind of regretting that now, but c’est la vie. 

  2. On 3/5/2022 at 9:34 AM, btownqb said:

    Yogi turned 1 last month! (Great Dane) 

    Growing up I didnt have dogs. My wife did. She had an Aussie (Tank) before we started dated, now hes my buddy and the puppy doesn't leave her side. 😂 We had no clue what to expect from this massive breed, but we've truly loved every min of having him. Gets a little drooly sometimes, and he might step on your shins in bed lol... but he is incredibly loving and mild tempered. I would for sure recommend this breed. 

    We believe Yogi weighs 140lbs, currently. He's going next week for his check up.. the Doc has said the whole time that Yogi will be on the larger side for the breed. Oh boy lol 


    (I also fully understand not wanting a horse sized dog living in your house) 😂😂




    One of our Boston’s classmates in puppy kindergarten was a Great Dane “puppy”, which looked like a baby elk. Huge head, long body and sticks for legs.  And of course, it was the biggest scaredy cat in the class. Our little (at the time) 8 pound Boston walked right up to her, put her front paws up on the Great Dane’s chest to say “Hi” and the poor Great Dane’s legs started shaking and it had a look of sheer terror across its face. 

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  3. 19 minutes ago, FritzIam4IU said:

    I am having a rough week. Last Monday evening, our beloved family dog tore his ACL (called something different in dogs) 6 days before his 9th birthday. After taking him to the vet and getting X-rays the following days, he is on pain meds and hasn't been able to put weight on it all week. We are hoping to avoid surgery for him, so vet is checking in with us at the 2 and 4 week mark to see how he is progressing on pain meds/"bed rest". That has been tough on the whole family, but especially me and my wife.

    A few days ago, one of our 3 "barn cats" went missing and hasn't been seen yet. He is just under one year of age, and our best guess is that he was attacked by a large bird and carried off (he is the smallest of the three cats and not quite fully grown). My wife found some large feathers and blood on the back of our property near our out building. Even though they are "barn cats", our young kids adopted them and they have their own room in the outbuilding we dedicated to them, complete with cat door. We still aren't 100% sure what happened to him, but it isn't looking good. Our house sits off the road a good ways, and our outbuilding is behind the house, so the cats rarely venture anywhere near the road. I haven't seen any predators by us since we are surrounded by fields...but there is a tiny patch of woods off in the distance aways on the other side of field. We feed the cats as well, so they never wander too far from our property/barn.

    Carrying off a live animal would mean an eagle or hawk. Those tend to be more unusual than buzzards. I know where we used to live, turkey buzzards were always circling, but it was rare to see a hawk. 

    I would think a reasonably grown cat would be too big for an owl. A small kitten maybe. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, BobSaccamanno said:

    He seems to be working every night.  Nice guy who is hard to dislike.  I remember liking his game all the way to his high school years.

    Having said that, he is getting better as a broadcaster but I am sure he will say he still has a long way to go.  He says way too much stuff and thinks he needs to keep jabbering.  It can get painful. Be more selective with the analysis.  If you do, the viewers will pay much more attention to what you're saying.  

    Translation: Don’t talk just to talk. Talk when you’ve got something to say. A veteran play by play guy can fill dead air if needed. 

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