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Sleeping With The Enemy
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Posts posted by Zlinedavid

  1. 4 minutes ago, rico said:

    I developed a medical condition about 3 years ago.  Without going into detail, the condition creeps up unannounced and I have to be hospitalized for a few days.  This time it hit just as the Michigan game started.  I missed the 2nd half of the IU game due to morphine!  All is good...back to the games.

    Get well, brother.  🍻

    • Thanks 1
  2. Coke dealers are a "special" breed in and of themselves, but I really hope there's a special pit in hell for people that lace anything with something as strong as fentanyl.  In untrained hands, that stuff is as deadly as a 9mm.  Case in point, in powder form, fentanyl is approximately 80 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more powerful than uncut heroin. 

    Case in point: my wife is an ACNP with an FDA number for controlled substances.  She works with in-patient cancer treatment, and she won't write for the stuff.  If an MD wants it prescribed, they're writing it themselves, and only rarely does that happen.  It's a substance that does have its place, as it is often the only thing that will touch pain spikes in late or end stage cancer patients, but even medical professionals are wary of it. 

    RIP DB....a life taken way too soon. 

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  3. On 3/16/2022 at 3:19 PM, Drroogh said:

    Not sure I agree with Juwan being better than player than Woodson? But what do I know? I did love Penny as a player though.

    Juwan and Woodson I can see being on kind of the same level, with maybe a slight edge to Juwan. He did wind up with 2 rings and was an All-star. They were both the journeyman type player, but were solid contributors wherever they went and both had fairly long careers. 

    Penny was better than both at his peak, but was so injury prone after his first 3-4 seasons that it kind of becomes hard to gauge. 

  4. 1 minute ago, SawatchHoosier said:

    According to Purdue fan conspiracy theories the NCAA repaid Virginia's historic tournament loss with an NCAA championship. Maybe Gonzaga will get the same treatment?

    This is what happens when you inhale too much bovine-excreted methane. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 2 hours ago, GaloisGroupe said:

    +1 His athleticism is so off the charts, he could do a VO type jump from sophomore to junior year. Needs to work on handle and continue the improvement he made in shooting, defensive positioning... basically all the important details. But some of the stuff he does, you cannot teach. It will really depend on his offseason dedication.

    Maybe VO will work out with him...

    To be honest, I still think TJD has an extremely high ceiling as well. Continue to work on the right hand so he is harder to defend and become comfortable with the 10 - 15 footer during the game. He looked good shooting in the practice I saw on Monday.

    He’s not where Vic was as a sophomore, but the comparison still holds. If that fuse gets lit…..

  6. 9 minutes ago, GoshenFan84 said:

    Eat it Iowa! We never have to watch Bohannon play college basketball again! See ya!

    Never have to watch ANY Bohannon play college ball again, until their kids get that old. Although given the age Jordan Bohannon played until, I’m not sure he’d have any viable sperm left, even if the double dose of Viagra worked. 

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  7. 4 minutes ago, dbmhoosier said:

    He says Woody should've just done it anyways.  Also, said Thad Matta knows nothing about college basketball and that's why he got fired at OSU because the game passed him by and why Dan won't have him on his show.

    That has to be the reason why.  To assume that it's because Matta isn't in a media-facing position anymore, would gain nothing from talking to Dakich and doesn't personally want the attention it would bring would be just sheer lunacy.  😅

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  8. 54 minutes ago, RoadToZion said:

    Somewhere in whatever pit of hell he may be in, Goebbles wishes he had a tool of destruction like social media at his disposal. 

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    • Haha 1
  9. 41 minutes ago, Joe_Hoopsier said:

    Yea, when the kids threw him that first pass I thought those boys will never forget that. But then X threw one over to them to pass back. That put a big ole lump in my throat. I remember my complete admiration of the IU players at that age. That was a great video. 

    X keeps getting more and more interesting to me. Hard nosed, confident floor general, plays with an edge and a chip on his shoulder, but he’s got depth of character as well. 

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