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Sleeping With The Enemy
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Posts posted by Zlinedavid

  1. 1 hour ago, Artesian_86 said:

    ....Interesting post I found on a rival IU message board.....

    "Some people who were there are saying another car with a gun was at a stoplight next to X's car, there were some words exchanged or something like that. I'm not sure this is solely a Mike Woodson decision,....this might be a Scott Dolson, President Whitten, and Woodson decision. We've had some football players make some really bad decisions lately, beating up girlfriend, having pot in the car, and running from the police, none of them were dismissed."


    By the end of the day, X will be accused of microwaving kittens and being the Zodiac killer. :coffee: 

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  2. 41 minutes ago, bluegrassIU said:

    There is zero hint or reason to conclude Coach Woodson wanted Matta out.

    Thad was offered a head Coaching position. At a major University.

    That is a giant, huge, gargantuan step up. Not being pushed out 

    If he left to go coach Charlestown community College, then maybe.

    But dude was offered a head coaching job in the Big East.

    What coach, with any drive, would say "no. I am happy in this desk job , behind the scenes for Mike"?

    Seriously, where does this read Woddson wanted Matta out (without trying to blur in Fife, which is a totally different situation)?

    A Big East head coaching position. At a program that he helped build into national prominence. That also happens to be his alma mater, as well as his wife and one daughter’s alma mater, and has a 2nd daughter currently attending. 

  3. 11 hours ago, BobSaccamanno said:

    I’ve suggested this in the past but I think Randy Wittman is ideal for that Matta spot.  He can be around the program but not recruit.  Attend meetings, provide ideas, contribute to X’s and O’s.   

    Plus it puts another former NBA head coach on staff. That would be a solid hire.

    • Like 4
  4. 15 hours ago, IU Scott said:

    I try to do the right things in life and do it and it really isn't hard at all

    Do, or do not. There is no try.

    You might try to always do the right thing, but do you always? Every single time? You’re human. The answer is no. You’ve had lapses in judgment the same as anyone else. Maybe you’ve had fewer than most, but there have been some. 

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  5. 2 minutes ago, DC2345 said:

    I’d be curious to know if X happened to be on a zero tolerance type policy after his previous suspension. That could make sense with the comments he allegedly said at the county lock up if that was in fact accurate.

    Actually, that’s the proper reaction to being arrested for anyone. I spent a couple of hours in a county lockup when I was 18 for underage drinking, and that was a lifetime's worth for me. It’s a hell of a lot different than just getting a citation. 

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  6. 4 minutes ago, Joe_Hoopsier said:

    Well, from 140 it does take a bit to get stopped ! 😁

    Actually a valid statement. Even if it was a ‘22 Corvette with a factory track package, you can’t just lock it up from that speed. On a normal road, you’re talking 2-3 miles down the road before you could get it stopped, minimum. 

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  7. 2 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

    Maybe he has a NIL with some kind of sports car LOL!

    Even then, finding a place around B-town to open it up that much is challenging. You probably could around the bypass if you didn’t lift around every light and somehow caught every green. Which in my 2.5 years of living there, didn’t happen once. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, dbmhoosier said:

    The other site is saying he was doing 140 in a 50 😬

    If that’s the case, he was either in a damn IndyCar or he deserves a medal, because that’s some driving skill to keep a vehicle on the road at 3X the limit. 

    100-110 I could see. But it’s hard finding a production car that will hold 140+ on an open road for very long. 

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  9. 1 minute ago, IUFLA said:

    But it does show that some cops, if you give them any lip, will pile on the charges...

    Truth. My brother was a cop for about 8 years. He’d let a certain degree of back talk go, just because the paperwork wasn’t worth it to haul everyone in. Other cops are more of the “RESPECT MY AUTHORITAHH” type with a hair trigger when it comes to lip. 

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Lostin76 said:

    Not a “wait in line at Kith” level of sneakerhead,  but I do like a good pair of kicks. 

    I’ve started buying custom Nike’s from their website over the last couple of years. It’s amazing that you can pay $10-15 more and pick all the colors you want. 

    My latest is this cream and crimson Air Force 1 shoes. 



    Those are smooth. Timeless look. 

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