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Sleeping With The Enemy
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Posts posted by Zlinedavid

  1. On 4/14/2022 at 6:41 PM, Seeking6 said:

    IU offered Andrej Stojakovic today. Son of Peja. Did well recently at Indy Adidas tourney. Looks the part to me and knowing Woodson's decades of NBA experience my guess is Dad is looking for that as well. 

    Guarantee you that’s the case. People forget that Woody has connections to all corners of the NBA coming out his posterior. If he doesn’t have Peja’s info, he knows someone who does. 

    • Like 3
  2. 2 minutes ago, Euroclydon said:


    The question I ask is - if a current player decides they can't stay on the team if IU adds a great player, does IU really need them? Another question would be, what Power 5 conference team will you transfer to where you can just step in and be a starter getting lots of minutes with no competition for other great recruits if you don't think you can compete at IU?


    Which P5 teams could TJD transfer to and be an immediate starter? I’d say at least 75% of them. Marquee P5 teams….different story. But TJD would start in a heartbeat at Oregon State, Northwestern, Mississippi State, etc etc. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, Drroogh said:

    When was the the last time IU landed two 5 star prospects in the same class?



    14 minutes ago, Zlinedavid said:

    Too f’ing long. 

    The answer to this is….in the “Star” era….never. The last time we had  commitments from two 5 star players was 2004: DJ White and Josh Smith, but Smith never made it to campus. 

    So congratulations Woody….this is theoretically THE best recruiting class in the past 23 years at Indiana. 

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  4. 19 minutes ago, FKIM01 said:

    This is the linf of off-season stuff I love to discuss.  Jordan was a sniper.  Would love to see Leal step into that role.


    I always said that Jordan would make a hell of a coach. Always a fundamentally sound player and extremely intelligent. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, Coach Robby said:

    "Woody won't be able to recruit or connect to this generation." said a bunch of losers last year 😘

    Anyone that said that doesn’t know Mike Woodson. If anything, that’s his best skill: connecting with people. There’s a long list of people from past, present and future generations that respect the hell out of Woody, and you don’t get to that point without knowing how to connect with people. 

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Seeking6 said:

    Is he done playing and maybe starting his coaching career? Would love for him to be part of the program somehow. I feel like Mo and IU got cheated out of each other because of a dumb injury. 

    Injuries. Mo couldn’t catch a break. 

    IMO, he’s up there with Landon Turner in terms of the biggest “what if…”‘s in IU history. His performance against UK as a freshman was unreal. Teflon John had his first stacked (bought and paid for) recruiting classes, and Mo proved he was on that level that night. Wasn’t even a step behind….on that level. 

    That said, I’d welcome him into the program into any role. That young man has more heart and dedication than 99.9% of the planet, and obviously loves the game. 2 knee injuries and a torn Achilles in 3 straight seasons would have been enough reason for most people to hang it up, but Mo went on to have a decent 5th year at GW and a respectable pro career. 


    • Like 6
  7. On 4/14/2022 at 10:06 PM, 5fouls said:

    #1 - Sweet person.  Deserved better than me.  Still on good terms.

    #2 - Look up the definition of b*tch in the dictionary

    #3 - Fun loving person, but my salary could not keep up with her spending habits.

    #4 - In Federal Prison

    #5 - Would take her back if she would have me.

    #6 & #8 - Decided they liked each other better and are now a couple.  

    #7 - Her hot sister was my downfall

    #9 - A night in Las Vegas gone bad.  


    #10 would have been Tyra Buss if not for that pesky restraining order :coffee: 

    • Haha 1
  8. 41 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

    I had a friend in the 90s who owned a Saab 900 and one of our co-workers use to tell him Saab stood for "Swedes Ain't Auto Builders." :D 

    But, they do Aerospace pretty well...theJAS-39E is a superior fighter jet...


    Alternatively, it could stand for Swedes Are Aircraft Builders. Which is probably why they dumped Saab Auto to GM. 

  9. On 4/14/2022 at 9:36 PM, dgambill said:

    It’s all posturing. Russia has tried to to take Finland a few times in the past 100 years with heavy losses. To do so now would be suicide. First off they can’t even advance in Ukraine because of how poorly maintained their trucks and equipment have been kept…but unlike Ukraine who has mostly Soviet era defenses Finland and Sweden have American and western defense systems and tanks/planes. Putin knows that…he just wants to scare people into doing what he wants.

    Although small in numbers, the Swedish Air Force is surprisingly capable. Being the home country for Saab helps a lot with that. 

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, btownqb said:

    I'm not looking at it from a traditional gender role standpoint. I'm simply looking at from a perspective that there aren't enough parents handling what they need to handle first, before the "me" stuff. And that is what I'm hoping he truly meant. 

    Totally fair.  :cheers:


    That and....I just wanted a reason to rip into Cam Newton.  Never been a fan.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, btownqb said:


    What sucks... I actually think he's right, especially to a degree, but obviously his deliverey was not the best lol

    I'd disagree, at least in terms of being a universal guideline.  Couple of lines from Cam that stood out:


    And I think a lot of times when you get that ascetic of ‘I’m a boss b----, Imma this, Imma that.’ No baby! But you can’t cook. You don’t know when to be quiet! You don’t know how to allow a man to lead,” Newton said.

    Alright Cam, you want to go with traditional gender roles? What are you going to do if a water line in your house breaks? That's traditionally something a man would handle.  The likely answer is.....you'll call someone to fix it, because you're not going to do that kind of stuff when you've earned enough to pay someone else.  Well, guess what....if you've got enough money to pay someone for repairs, you've got enough to pay someone to cook.  If you're going to hold a woman to those standards, next time something breaks, I suggest you go dab your ass on over to the toolbox and get to work, Superman.

    Now, I will say if anyone, man or woman, goes around with that kind of attitude just because they want to or think they can, it's a recipe for disaster.  I'd say at least half the time, my wife fits that description.  She's a very outspoken, ambitious woman.  But, if it isn't her turf, she knows when it's time to back down.  Taking up a new hobby? Going shopping for god knows what? Yep, she's going to do what she wants.  Long term financial planning (which is my area)...she's mostly quiet and agrees. 

    It's all about knowing when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em, on both people's accounts.

  12. 1 minute ago, Billingsley99 said:

    I can imagine. I had one in my armpit once and I kept squeezing it and qhwn it popped what came out made my wife literally throw up. It hurt so bad

    Mine was a burn that turned into a blister that ruptured and subsequently got infected.  My wife (who was an RN at the time) had my wrist held down with one hand and was pressing up with the other, and I'm not kidding you....she drained a tablespoon's worth of blood and pus out of it.  When it didn't start healing, wound up going to the wound clinic.  I've got a small notch right above my thumbnail where it killed the skin off, and there's about a 1/4 circle on the tip where the nerve ending was killed. 

    • Like 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, Billingsley99 said:

    Yes he hit the crown of his head on something and it got infected and had no where to go. Gravity forced it down his face. Formed a ball of blood and puss. Vision is good eye is functioning but man he looks so bad and so sad

    Ugh....that had to be painful for him as well.  I had a similar thing happen on my right thumb once, and having to have it drained was one of the most painful things I've endured.  Hope he gets better!

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Billingsley99 said:

    On Sunday we noticed a bump above the eye of our outdoor dog Socks. On Monday when I got home it was terrible. On Tuesday he had surgery to remove a half baseball sized abscess. Pics from Sun to After surgery Tuesday. Shocking to say the least




    Poor pup! What was it? Just a large pocket of infection? And is his vision ok?

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