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Sleeping With The Enemy
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Posts posted by Zlinedavid

  1. 37 minutes ago, JaybobHoosier said:

    I got in at $24 a share, and it’s now at $9.10 a share.

    Examples like this are why I started into options.  Lower initial with lower overall losses if the stock tanks.  And as long as you're not buying options with a short expiration, you've got the advantage of being able to wait without having to sit on as much red ink.  Less risk of a margin call, if you play things that closely (which nobody should be, but it happens). 

    • Like 1
  2. 58 minutes ago, JaybobHoosier said:

    It’s so volatile…. I’m still kicking myself because I was asked by one of my customers if he could get me to do Bitcoin when it was around $100 a share. Would have made so much money if I would have but the bullet then. 

    Heh....funny you should mention bitcoin at $100.  That would have been around October-ish of 2013.  I happened to buy one bitcoin for around that price and lost interest in it soon after.  I forgot I even owned it until December 2017....yeah, you do the math.  I sold a piece of it then and then sold another piece a year ago February.  Wish I had that much return on the rest of my portfolio....lol. 

    • Like 1
  3. 17 hours ago, JaybobHoosier said:

    Got back into investing recently, but not a great time to get in with how a lot of things have trended this year. Best stock I have right now is Mirum Pharmaceuticals (MIRM). I got in on them at $15.795 a share, and they are now at $26.23. I’m kicking myself for not going more in on them as I only have 6 shares. 
    Just wish my other stocks would perform better as I’m down quite a bit overall. 
    Does anyone do Crypto? I bit the bullet and bought over 400 shares of DogeCoin. Basically even at this point, but need Elon Musk to tweet more often about Doge lol. 

    I’ve dabbled in crypto, but nothing serious. I don’t like it for the reason that a lot of people do like it: the market is never closed. It’s impossible to swing trade without keeping your eye on the market 24/7.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Lostin76 said:

    We saw Lorde at Radio City Music Hall last night. She is a great performer, but man it was like 98% teenage girls singing along with EVERY word of EVERY song. And then me, the grumpy old man in the mezzanine seated the whole time. 



    I’m literally laughing my ass off as to how comically creepy this scene could have been. 🤣🤣🤣

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, iuswingman said:

    Any rumblings?

    We are the only option that would allow for him to continuing playing with 2 of his teammates.  Seems like it should have some pull.

    PG Hood-Shifino (from Montverde)

    SG Bates

    SF Geronimo

    PF Evans (from Montverde)

    C Reneau (from Montverde)

    Evans should make it happen. 

    If that happens, I’d be able to hear the crying and accusations from Lexington, and I’m 80 miles north of that dump. 

    “Woodson is paying Monteverde, he has to be!” Wouldn’t that be the pot calling the kettle blue? 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 3 hours ago, NCHoosier32 said:

    seems really hard to imagine him in the top 10 this season doesn't it?  11th or 12th man shouldn't see the floor other than mop up minutes.   

    And that’s not a bad thing. I think Gunn knows he has a lot of natural ability, but is aware he’s not a “start from day 1” recruit. Give him a year of mop up minutes and for the training staff to cram ribeyes down his throat and point him to the weights. He’s got the makings of being one of those 3-4 year foundation pieces championship teams have. 

    Edit: And a year of guarding guys like X, Geronimo and JHS in practice. That’ll toughen someone up right quick now. 

    • Like 5
  7. 8 hours ago, iuthruandthru said:

     He could have taken the other route like others have chosen and instead seems to have embraced his duties as a father.

    Right there it is. Shows a lot about his character. He’s not shying away from it, he’s embracing it. I think that will be prophetic, as now he’s got a big reason to succeed both on and off the court. 

    And while nobody is truly ready to be a first time parent, especially at 19, the fact he’s embracing the role is a good sign he’ll be better than some. Congrats, Tamar. 

    • Like 3
  8. 50 minutes ago, BobSaccamanno said:

    When I think of Creek, I always think about Syracuse and we will never know what he could have been.  But a big guard who can really shoot, that would have taken away about our only weakness in 2013.

    Aaaaaand that one hurts…..oy. 

    A big guard that could shoot AND could rip across the court and shred that zone. 

    • Like 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, Steubenhoosier said:

    RMK always claimed that Glen Grunwald was the most talented player he ever recruited. Bad knees did him in before we ever got to see how good he was

    That’s almost mind blowing, given the guys RMK recruited. (May, Buckner, Benson, Zeke, Turner, Alford, Cheaney, Henderson, etc)

  10. 2 minutes ago, Between2Halls said:

    It was an instant bond as soon as I stepped on campus with the coaches and players, and their playing style was just the right fit for me,” Reneau told The Daily Hoosier on Monday afternoon.  “It just clicked instantly.  I knew I didn’t have to take any more visits.”

    I’m sure JHS set the table just right for this. Talked IU up fairly well, but just enough to where the real experience still seemed better. 

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