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Sleeping With The Enemy
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Posts posted by Zlinedavid

  1. 1 hour ago, Artesian_86 said:

    I’m really surprised that we haven’t heard anything on McNeil or Dennis visits the last few days. We usually see pics of the being escorted around campus. Let’s just face it, I’m bored ….I’m sitting in on my deck, drinking a “Neon Bear Hug” IPA, throwing a tiny ball to my Dachshund….The weather is Delicious!😆C9A403E4-5387-4F51-BD8A-A2C31FAFED0F.thumb.jpeg.6d2896d86c751978951461b259031490.jpeg

    Throw it! Come on! Throw iiiiit! Throw it! Throw….ohboyohboyohboyohboy….*runnnnnnn* 

    FWIW, I’m sitting on my covered patio drinking a Yeti tumbler full of vodka/diet tonic while instructing my 10 year old on how to disassemble a concrete form.

    Life is good. 🍻

    • Haha 3
  2. 6 minutes ago, SawatchHoosier said:

    This guy small businesses

    That’s those IU KSOB accounting classes from 17 years ago. 🤣

    Actually, I’ve done my own taxes every year of my adult life including when I had 1099 contractor income/expenses and when I’ve had significant short term investment transactions. 

    I also used to pre-prep financials for my dad’s S-corp before they went to the actual accountants. 

    Not bad for a guy that struggles with 4th grade arithmetic at times. 🤣

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, rico said:

    Well my lawn got it's first cut today.  And while I was at it I tilled the garden.  83 degrees as I type.  Supposed to be back down to freezing by mid week.

    Same here. Also gave the landscaping a shot of weed killer and fungicide,  started tilling some bare spots in the grass and reinforced the corner of a retention wall that a contractor left. Had dirt washing around the corner. 

    On the bright side, discovered that my 10 year old is both strong enough and pretty good at mixing a 5 gallon bucket of quick set cement. Bout time I got some return on that investment. He’s getting drafted next time I’ve got drywall mud to mix. 

    • Like 3
  4. 2 hours ago, FKIM01 said:

    I'm not sure why people are going the charity route.  A marketing writeoff is not subject to limits like charity is?

    Charity on a personal level is a direct reduction against taxes owed. Marketing would be a business expense that gets added in with all other profits and losses. 

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Madison22 said:

    No idea who this group is, or how good they are.  But they get an A+ for clarity.

    Here's their S&P 500 forecast for the next 2 years, month by month.

    They predict flat to sluggish for the next 12 months, then moving to a 24% gain two years from now, in 2024.

    I'm interested to see what others here think of this, and why.  Obviously, anyone who predicts the stock market monthly for the next 2 years is guaranteed to be wrong in details.  The question is will they be close to correct overall, especially the end point?


    S&P 500 Forecast By Month.

    Year Mo Min Max Close Total%
    2022 Apr 3905 4593 4154 -8.62%
    2022 May 3797 4281 4039 -11.15%
    2022 Jun 3987 4495 4241 -6.71%
    2022 Jul 3787 4271 4029 -11.37%
    2022 Aug 3612 4074 3843 -15.46%
    2022 Sep 3793 4277 4035 -11.24%
    2022 Oct 3710 4184 3947 -13.18%
    2022 Nov 3895 4393 4144 -8.84%
    2022 Dec 3752 4230 3991 -12.21%
    2023 Jan 3862 4354 4108 -9.63%
    2023 Feb 3929 4431 4180 -8.05%
    2023 Mar 4039 4555 4297 -5.48%
    2023 Apr 4059 4577 4318 -5.02%
    2023 May 4222 4760 4491 -1.21%
    2023 Jun 4349 4905 4627 1.78%
    2023 Jul 4497 5071 4784 5.24%
    2023 Aug 4519 5095 4807 5.74%
    2023 Sep 4634 5226 4930 8.45%
    2023 Oct 4866 5488 5177 13.88%
    2023 Nov 4707 5307 5007 10.14%
    2023 Dec 4512 5088 4800 5.59%
    2024 Jan 4738 5342 5040 10.87%
    2024 Feb 4974 5608 5291 16.39%
    2024 Mar 5071 5719 5395 18.68%
    2024 Apr 5325 6005 5665 24.62%


    It’d be interesting if someone would make SPY plays based on this and monitored their returns. 

  6. 3 hours ago, HoosierFaithful said:

    Ain’t no party like a Villas little 5 party. I lived in the way back corner of the villas, it was like it’s own world. 

    Had friends that lived towards the front of the Villas, but can semi-remember drinking a brew or 27 along the back row a time or two. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, Madison22 said:

    Crean, on the other hand, seemed to run around everywhere like a guy who just chugged 10 cans of Red Bull.  

    Red Bull? Oh we’re way past that. Crean had the energy of a guy that mainlined pure adrenaline after a 6 pack of Diet Coke and a healthy sniff of the devil’s dandruff. I’ve got an 8 year old with the textbook definition of ADHD and Crean could run laps around him. 

    • Haha 3
  8. 2 hours ago, IUFLA said:

    Both my grill and smoker covers (black) are a yellowish green. 

    The pollen around here is so thick, it gave me a severe upper respiratory infection last week. I got tested for COVID (negative) but work said since I had "symptoms" I had to stay home and telework for 10 days...

    Throw me in that briar patch 🙂

    I’d keep a couple of potted ragweed plants around, just for that!

    • Haha 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Madison22 said:

    A famous Bob Knight recruiting story with Sammy Drummer, a highly rated recruit.  Had him on campus.  Made the pitch.  At the end, Drummer essentially said "what else do I get?"  Meaning money.  That was the end of the visit.

    With NIL, "what else?" is part of the pitch now, and it's the university bringing up the topic.

    Drummer averaged 20 ppg in college, and was drafted by the NBA, 4th round.


    As a freshman in 1975-76 at Austin Peay, Drummer averaged 16 points a game. He wasn’t going to do that here, not in 75-76. At minimum, he’s behind May, Abernathy and Radford on the depth chart at forward. 

    He sat out a season transferring to Georgia Tech where he averaged 21 and 23 points, leading a couple of mediocre GT seasons.  

    He probably does see some minutes as a sophomore, as we were thin in the front court behind Benson and Radford, with Grunwald’s injuries. As an upperclassman, I’d say he contributes, but his numbers wouldn’t have looked as good. Some kid named Woodson was lighting up the scoresheet….wonder if he ever made anything of himself. :coffee: 

    Regardless, yes he was drafted but never played a game in the NBA. 

    All that said, may the man Rest In Peace.  He was fatally shot in 1995 in what is still an unsolved murder. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 hour ago, NotIThatLives said:

    Id venture to say that Race is the better option at the 4 and the 5 over a young Reneau for this season.  Im thrilled with the depth but with the 3 horses of this quality in the stable, sadly we won't see much 4 out this year unless its Race continuing to shoot 40% from deep like he did the back third of the season.  Going to have at least 72 minutes a game tied up with a combo of Race 25+, Trayce28+, and Malik20.  You would think.  I think JG and Kopp get some mins at the 4 from time to time.  We saw that more and more towards the end of the year down the stretch in a few games at least.  Minutes are going to be a war on this team.  

    But yeah, we are legit 10 deep.  

    If Race can add a little consistency to his outside shot, it’s more like 3.5 out/1.5 in, because he’s decent as a traditional 4 also. Been a LONG time since we’ve had three legitimate big guys on the roster. 

    • Like 2
  11. 1 minute ago, Seeking6 said:

    Shooting at a club called Kalao last night. Sports was closed to protect students I'm assuming. I think they have the suspect in custody....but might be looking for others. 

    Scary stuff. Have a great time kids but please be safe.

    Back in my day, the most dangerous thing you encountered during L5 was having a toilet thrown out of a 2nd story window. 

    And no, I’m not kidding. I was walking back to my apartment and as I was somewhere around 14th-15th and Dunn (memory is a bit fuzzy…lol), out of one of the houses there, an entire toilet came flying out a 2nd story window. All I did was think “Yep….” and kept walking. 🤣

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. Something I haven’t seen mentioned….I know Woody prefers the 4 out-1 in style, but could we see a variation of this past year’s lineup if TJD is back, only with Race coming off the bench and Reneau starting? TJD-Reneau-JHS-XJ and whoever.

    Intriguing at the very least, and would make for a very potent bench. Race and whoever wouldn’t be starting out of Tamar, JG, Galloway and Kopp (and possibly DD)….legit 10 deep. 

    • Like 2
  13. 6 hours ago, Steubenhoosier said:

    Why do announcers from Great Britain use the wrong verb tense? 

    Canada ARE in first place

    Great Britain HAVE controlled the pace of play.

    They're using the plural because they're referring to all members of the team collectively, rather than the team as a single entity.  One of those things that could go either way and has been adopted differently on different sides of the ocean.

  14. 22 minutes ago, JW75 said:

    Yes we keep our show 30 minutes max with the grand finale all fused together for a solid 2 minutes. Our goal is a wall of fire and the loudest we can go spread out over about 100' .  We usually have 40 cakes, 500g and 200g mixed in with some mortars, all gone in 2 minutes.. hahahahah that's just the finale. 🤣

    Enough artillery to receive a commendation from General Westmoreland....and he's been dead for 17 years and is buried 1000+ miles away. 

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