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Sleeping With The Enemy
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Posts posted by Zlinedavid

  1. 4 hours ago, BGleas said:

    Not sure all of the details, but it has something to do with the T-Wolves owner and animal rights. It's been happening at their games. 

    I think it was Game 1 of this series where someone chained themselves to one of the hoops. 

    See....this is when we need guys like Charles Oakley or Antonio Davis back in the league.  Ain't nobody crazy enough to try that &$^% with guys like that on the floor.  Hell, one good staredown and a muscle twitch from one of those guys and those protesters would be across the Canadian border before you could blink. 

    • Like 2
  2. 1 minute ago, IowaHoosierFan said:

    Actually i am tired of listening and seeing everyone discuss Purdue on an IU forum.  FFS who give 2 shits what Purdue does. What Painter is doing, What their players are doing.  What impact the NIL will have on them and their players. Or what their fans care about.  Can we just stop talking about F(*&ing Purdue.

    So….what impact will the NIL have on Incarnate Word? :coffee: 

  3. 46 minutes ago, KoB2011 said:

    He has no clue. Even if it’s accurate to say the cost to student for a full year of college with tuition, room, board, food, etc. is $50k that’s not the cost to the school or what they’re providing. 

    That was the point I was setting up. It doesn’t cost a university anything to allow X number of additional students into any one class. So while missed tuition can be considered an opportunity cost, it’s not an out of pocket expense for the university. 

    • Like 1
  4. 52 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

    I did some calculations about how much it cost for just scholarship money for just both basketball teams and football just at IU.

    Basketball 13 men's/15 woman's and I calculate $50,000 per player. Might be more at some places and probably less at others.

    28x$50,000=1.4 million so say there are 340 D1 schools who issues scholarships $480,000,000

    Football 85 scholarship players.  85×$50,000= $4.25 mil and say 120 D1 football. $510,000,000.

    So look how much it cost to fund just scholarships for 3 sports in D1 sports.  That is not taking account the other 20+ sports each school has and the other divisions in college.  You have cost to cover travel for all of these teams.  You also have to cover these kids under the schools insurance policies.

    It is so easy saying that the NCAA makes all if this money and the players should get paid because of it.  You need to look deeper at the cost it is to run each athletic department in college sports and how many of them don't bring in a lot of money.


    What’s going in your 50K calculation? 

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Bustout said:

    I’m on board with portal restrictions too. Like you can’t just leave just because without at least sitting a year. But If your coach gets fired, should you need to sit out?   Also, I feel for Dawson Garcia and there should probably be medical waivers, but he’s on his third school in 3 years.  

    That’s one I’d make an exception for: head coaching changes. 

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, btownqb said:

    I said we can take it to the parking lot, like civilized folk

    I said something similar to a somewhat inebriated gentleman a few years ago. “If you want to settle this, we can handle it like men….outside, one on one, away from your entourage and social media cameras.” Needless to say, my offer was declined. 

    • Like 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, Bustout said:

    I posted this on another site and I may be in the minority here, but I actually think NIL is good for college basketball on-court product.  I used to always complaint that we’d never see another Patrick Ewing or someone play 3-4 years in college.  

    But now, the NIL is actually keeping pretty good guys in college. Prior to this, kids were considering G league or Europe or hoping to be a free agent if they didn’t get drafted. Now, more kids will be playing in the NCAA and should make the teams stronger. 

    This should help college b-ball as the talent pool is bigger and retained. Off the court, it’s free agency … but was it before too? 

    my only current complaint is the portal. And it’s complicated to try and fix it. A lot of scenarios. But they could start with some general parameters.

    I think we see some restrictions put back on transfers with NIL being what it is, and I wouldn’t disagree. I think transfers without a sit-out year should be limited to graduating seniors playing a 5th year, coaching changes or other extenuating circumstances that would require an exception. 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Hoosierdave said:

    I want to say TJD, Duncomb, Kopp? 

    Technically I think X, Leal, and Bates didn’t make formal announcements but have given enough indication they aren’t leaving.

    If X wasn’t leaving after his impersonation of Ricky Bobby through downtown Bloomington, I find it highly unlikely he would. 

    And Leal ain’t leaving of his own accord, nor should he. He’s playing D1 ball in his hometown, is a great student and who knows…maybe he turns into the sniper we’ve all been wanting. 

    • Like 5
  9. 11 hours ago, Purdue7 said:


    I’m kinda surprised the same school who proudly never cheated under RMK feels happy to join the dark side 


    If murder were made legal, would you continue living your life as-is with no changes? I don’t have many enemies (that I’m aware of anyway) but if murder became legal, I’m going to start wearing a flak vest and visibly carrying a .45 on my hip. 

    Point is, in RMK’s day, paying a player in any way was verboden. Today, there’s a legal way to do it. The world in which college sports exists has a LEGAL way to pay a player. Whether that’s right or wrong, that’s the world today.

    There are degrees in which you can approach this. Going back to the murder analogy, you can go around on a murdering spree, which is probably going to get you killed sooner than later. You can take the self-righteous approach and do nothing different, which makes you an easy target. Or, you can prepare to defend yourself without taking any forward action. 

    • Like 1
  10. On 4/20/2022 at 9:02 AM, 5fouls said:

    Very disturbing story from Southern Indiana.  I'm confused where they say they determined he was 5 from dental records but say they dont know his identity.  If you have matched dental records, how can you not know who he is?


    The story confused “dental records” with “dental conditions”. One of the freakiest looking things in biology is seeing a cutaway/X-ray of a child’s upper and lower mandible. Every tooth we’re ever going to have is contained in there in some state of development. They can gauge approximate age based on how many baby teeth are present, how many have been lost, and the placement/size of the permanent teeth. 

    • Like 2
  11. 23 minutes ago, FKIM01 said:

    Charity is also subject to a floor (standard deduction) and a ceiling with both the 30%/50% of income limitation and the AMT.  Again, a marketing deduction has none of these imitations. 


    In all likelihood, these guys know how to double dip on this stuff anyway. 

  12. Just now, IU Scott said:

    Does this count as income and do the players have to pay state taxes in Indiana and every state they play in.  In professional sports the players pays taxes in all states they play in.

    Where it sounds similar to a typical independent contractor situation, I’d say it just applies to the individual’s primary state of residence. 

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