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Sleeping With The Enemy
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Posts posted by Zlinedavid

  1. 4 hours ago, NCHoosier32 said:

    Not even a little bit!

    One of my neighbors had a 5:30 class, which of course, cut into drankin’ time if it was a 7PM tip off. So to expedite consumption by volume, he has the brilliant idea to make a liquor bong. It was literally a 1/10th scale beer bong. Held about three shots at once. 

    You can already see where this is headed. We had about a 10 minute walk to AH, so by the time we get there, 9 shots worth of Jim Beam are hitting him. Me and a buddy literally had to drag him down the full length of the AH stairs. Thank god we weren’t in the balcony. 

    After that, the liquor bong was retired, because it could be lethal. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, IUFLA said:

    The Fiero was actually on the higher end of the smaller GM cars I thought...

    Compared to earlier winners like the Vega, Monza (I had a 78 Monza Spyder with a 305 V-8 that was fun to drive, but practically fell apart in 18 months), and Pontiac Sunbird, it was a gem...

    Actually, mine was very reliable. They’re just tiny and built with 1980s GM crash technology…lol.

  3. On 5/18/2022 at 2:05 PM, tdhoosier said:

    Students show up drunk at football games because they are tailgating before. Most students have class before basketball games.

    I can assure you that having class was not a deterrent to showing up to AH drunk. At least in my day it wasn't.

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  4. 5 hours ago, IUFLA said:

    What is it with Fords and fires? Just saw the NTSB is recalling 2021 Ford Expeditions and Lincoln Navigators because they catch fire when turned off. People are advised not to park them indoors until the recall work is done...

    I was considering one of the new Broncos, but I just bought a new gas grill last year...

    On behalf of all former and current Pontiac Fiero owners.....it's about damn time.  Ya'll can redirect the "fire" jokes elsewhere now. 

    And yes, I used to own a Fiero.  Yes, it was about as safe as a go-kart on the highway but damn was it fun to drive.

    • Haha 1
  5. 2-2 at the end of 3. Extra hockey, no charge in Denver tonight. 

    Horrible high sticking call at the end against Schenn. I’m listening to the radio stream, and I haven’t heard Kerber this fired up since the hand pass vs San Jose.

    And a big thank you to whoever found the time machine and brought 2019’s Binnington back. 

  6. 8 hours ago, mrflynn03 said:

    I've wondered what if evolution was God's mechanism for creation and evolutionary theory and creation are intertwined.

    I’m more or less neutral on religion nowadays, but my upbringing was Catholic. I was probably 9 or 10 whenever I made a room full of adults, including 2 nuns and a priest, go stone cold silent when I asked “What if God created evolution?” 

    Still one of my proudest moments. 

    8 hours ago, rico said:

    So when does The Bible pick up?  I mean Adam and Eve weren't Neanderthals.  

    Here’s a whole big can of worms to open, but it all depends on which version of “the” Bible, how allegorical vs  literal you interpret it to be, and how accurately you believe the texts have been translated over the years. And that doesn’t take into account the acceptance of what is considered canon vs apocrypha, which took place 200-300 years after the death of Christ. 

    6 hours ago, tdhoosier said:

    I'm just saying that there are a TON of things out there that neither the bible or science can explain. I mentioned above that it's 'believed' nobody could travel at the speed of light. But perhaps that is wrong. Perhaps our brain can't comprehend this possibility because our knowledge of physics, at this point in time, is limited. Maybe we aren't seeing a bigger picture that exists. 

    To make this even more trippy, perhaps things we can't explain are themselves a paradox. A paradox like standing on the North Pole and not being able to definitively point to the South, because every direction is South. And East. And West. 



    I’ve said for years, my entire religious/metaphysical beliefs can be captured in a line from the movie Rudy:

    “Son, in my 35 years of religious study, I’ve come across only two hard, incontrovertible truths: There is a God and….I’m not him.”

    I believe that there are things/processes/phenomena out there that the human brain isn’t meant to understand. Whatever it is goes beyond our plane of thinking. And I’m 100% ok with that. To me personally, that’s proof that there are forces at work in the world outside of humanity. Whether one chooses to assign the name “God”, “Allah”, “Jehovah”, “Brahman”, etc is a matter of personal belief and interpretation. 

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  7. 16 hours ago, Parakeet Jones said:

    Entertaining race on the road course today. I’m usually not a huge fan of the road course races, but that one was really good.  It would have been a lot better had race control not left the yellow out so long after I believe it was Rahal spun near the end. 

    Montoya was the one who crashed with one to go. Shame, because he had a great run going. Rahal may have also. Hell, I think everyone spun at least once. 

    It’s also been 29 years since a 4 time winner has started the 500. Big Al wound up 12th in his final start. 

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