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Sleeping With The Enemy
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Posts posted by Zlinedavid

  1. TJD will be looked at as the biggest bargain in last year’s draft.  His only weakness is really his outside shooting. But he can do pretty much anything else competently including handling the ball. Eventually the Warriors are going to get tired of Dray’s antics and TJD is a perfect fit for that role. 

    • Like 3
  2. 53 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

    Nvidia has vaulted itself to my #2 favorite stock of all time besides Apple. We bought in July of 2022. Unreal run. 

    Not sure if it'll have the staying power of AAPL, but it looks like it's heading that way.

    • Like 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, NotIThatLives said:

    My next day at the firehouse, I shall devote some time to YouTube and reading about this.  I was really trying to figure out how to drop some mo ey into the ai machine that bezos dropped like 50 million in.  I think the growth potential is crypto like.  But it's not public yet.  

    AI is what's driving a lot of the chip manufacturers...NVDA in particular. 

    What I like about the short volatility futures is, it's not industry/sector specific.  May not have astronomic returns, but it's the most predictable, reliable little niche in the market I've ever found.

    • Like 2
  4. 10 hours ago, NotIThatLives said:

    I'm ears.  Where do I learn?  Volatility sounds just like it sounds.  Is there a way to make some money?  Show me the way.  

    In the market sense, volatility is defined as changes in out-of-the-money SPX options. There is even an index that tracks it: VIX.  This article goes into a little bit more detail, but basically, if the weighted average price for puts goes up while the weighted average price for calls goes down, there are more hedges being created indicating a potential move down.  The opposite is also true. 

    Clear as water, clear as mud or somewhere inbetween?

  5. 12 hours ago, Drroogh said:

    Welcome back! Seems like with the current state of IU basketball you picked a bad time though?

    Is what it is man.  My two years in BTown were the two years Davis missed the tournament.  I lived through the Sampson debacle, the first few years of Crean, the last few years of Crean and all of Archie.  This too shall pass. 

    • Like 2
  6. On 7/22/2022 at 1:55 PM, NotIThatLives said:

    So you can move your hsa money into another hsa account that has fund options.  The city automatically puts mine in Key bank hsa.  For years they had no investment options and was like a . 0005 rate of return.  A financial buddy talked to me about treating it like an investment account and not touch unless extreme emergency.  So i researched and settled on The HSA authority because they are linked up with Old National bank(local branches) and I can transfer money back and forth.  I forget how many fund options i have but I'm in the most aggressive I can get at this point.  

    Fidelity’s HSA can be treated as a regular brokerage account. Stocks, options, mutuals…anything is on the table. 

  7. Background: Went through a divorce back in April. So with less money and more time on my hands, I started driving for Uber/Lyft. 

    Three weeks ago, I’m out at 2AM on a Saturday (driving drunks is good money), when the conversation turns to the state of Indiana. When Evansville is mentioned, one passenger asks another “Isn’t that where your brother played after Indiana?” The answer: “No dumba**, that’s Evanston….Illinois.” So naturally my mind is clicking through IU-Northwestern transfers, and I asked who her brother was. 

    “Peyton Ramsey”

    I had completely forgotten he was from Cincinnati. Overall, she was very nice and was somewhat surprised that IU fans still thought so highly of Peyton. I guess that they had encountered some that held him transferring against him or something. I assured her that was definitely not the case among any IU fan that I knew.

    The story continued yesterday. I pick up a couple from a hotel and am driving them to the downtown casino. Usual conversation again, and they say they are from Lafayette. Naturally, I get in an IU joke at that, and they say their son played there. 

    It was Coy Cronk’s parents, and they were in town because….Coy is serving in Peyton Ramsey’s wedding. They were both genuinely nice, and I couldn’t help but ask what Coy thought of Urban Meyer last season. His mom came across as the stereotypical sweet, polite midwestern mom, so I almost had to pull the car over from laughing at her answer: “f***ing moron”. Followed by, “don’t worry, I know how close we are to Columbus, but I figure this is safe company.”

    Small world, ain’t it?

    Also, congrats to Peyton Ramsey. 

    • Like 7
  8. On 6/15/2022 at 5:00 PM, Lostin76 said:

    Really tempted to buy on this dip, but we’re pretty set for stock holdings right now. Definitely not as fun to check balances these last couple of weeks, but that’s how the game is played. 

    Not going to lie though, I’m laughing my ass off at the crypto meltdown. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. 

    I’m lining up a re-entry for the next few weeks also. Plenty of blood in the streets, but what to buy? The perpetual question. 

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