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Sleeping With The Enemy
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Posts posted by Zlinedavid

  1. 12 hours ago, IUFLA said:

    I use to talk to Plummer when he was with the Indianapolis Indians...Very nice guy to kids...

    And I've told the story before, but one of the guys in my grid bummed a smoke from me in 1977 :) 

    And I avoided Biggio at 2nd/C at all costs...I knew Tovar had, like Campaneris, played all 9 positions in a game...

    And I knew the other two: Scott Sheldon and Shane Halter. Both did it in 2000.

    • Like 2
  2. 15 minutes ago, MrsStoller said:

    What an amazing experience for her! I’m happy for my Purdue friends and few family PU alum & fans. Game respects game. Happy for Robbie Hummel; happy for Keady that he can be there to witness it and all that.

    Am I going to watch coverage every day? No, lol. But I fully expect them to meet UConn in the title game, and I think UConn has the edge. But frick, maybe I want the title back in my state after all these long years!!

    I probably would have watched anyway, but now I’m going to be in trouble if she gets on camera and I’m not. 😂

    • Haha 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, Sea Turtle said:

    At least the big ten will finally win it all now. 

    Having said that, every person who is responsible for our embarrassing program should be forced to attend the final four wearing purdue gear. 

    There’s a bullet I could get away with taking for the good of the team. 🤣

  4. 51 minutes ago, SawatchHoosier said:

    First off many congrats to your girlfriend getting to attend and cheer for her team at the final four. That will be an experience of a lifetime. Secondly, I'm enjoying that most of America is beginning to dislike Edey as much as the rest of the big ten does. Having Purdue achieve success while being loathed by the average American is the most Purdue thing ever. Does it blow...kind of...but let's not act like we didn't see this coming. 


    Danke. And yes, was literally crying as they were leaving the arena. Getting to end her active athletic career on that kind of stage…yeah, once in a lifetime. 

    Just too bad Purdue basketball had to win to get that. 😂

    Oh, and she loved getting this little jab in: “I didn’t realize the last time we made the Final Four was before YOU were born.” 🙄😂 Yeah, haha, funny funny….

    • Haha 1
  5. 36 minutes ago, FKIM01 said:

    I wouldn't go that far either.  This fan base isn't objective enough to make that call and Woodson's record doesn't indicate a bad coach.  The players don't give that feedback either.  Trayce Jackson Davis and Kel'el Ware would likely have a very different take.

    If he were that bad of a coach, Reneau and MM would be gone, because I’m sure they had multiple options. Galloway probably had more than a couple also. 

    Ware has been gone since mid-February. Sparks went back to where he just transferred from, and at this point in time, Gunn and Banks don’t seem like tremendous losses. 


    • Like 7
  6. 7 minutes ago, SawatchHoosier said:

    Can't speak for @BobSaccamanno but from personal experience a lot of my friends who went to Purdue aren't very level headed. I remember in college many of my friends who attended Purdue became chronic liars. They would say things like "this party will be awesome",  "no, it won't be a sausage party", "Lafayette is the Paris of Indiana", "Gene Keady's haircut is awesome", "Purdue Pete isn't creepy" and "we promise not to milk cows on Saturday night." Purdue turned many great New Albany High School graduates into awful people.

    I once owned a shirt that said “Purdue: keeping fat chicks out of IU since 18xx”

    20 years of wisdom later, I’ve learned there are exceptions to every rule. 

    • Haha 2
  7. 2 hours ago, Seeking6 said:

    Ok does it make me lesser of a man or I guess bad husband if I absolutely detest putting stuff together? We have a very generous MIL and occasionally she ships things. Last week we were sent some additional patio/deck furniture and chairs and other stuff.

    Anyway my entire life (when I can afford) I buy preassembled. I hate putting stuff together. Almost makes my brain hurt. Anyway...she sent some chairs and tables and other stuff and all require assembling. I'm half tempted to return and pay the difference for assembled.

    PS....she won't ever give us a gift card. 

    Deck furniture? I’d assemble that for a case of beer and have time to sit in said furniture that evening and drink it. 

    Have to remember, for every one person like you, there’s one crazy sumbitch like me that not only doesn’t buy assembled, but won’t even buy kits of stuff because I want every component of something to be just the way I want it. 

    Outsource. Theres likely plenty of people around you that would do the same. 

    • Like 3
  8. 7 minutes ago, Stlboiler23 said:

    Curious if you could expand on the “typically have a huge chip on their shoulders and live in an alternate reality” comment.  I think myself and my friends that are Purdue fans always expect the worst and are usually pretty level-headed but maybe you’ve had different experiences. 

    I can’t decide if jumping in to conversations like this makes me seem like Switzerland or like Benedict Arnold. 

    • Haha 2
  9. Just now, IUFLA said:

    If he'd have come out at 19, I think he would have G leagued it for a while... He's even said the parts of his game he polished under Woody is what's getting him quality playing time now... Kerr has said as much too

    Absolutely. After his freshman year, if you’d have told me you’d see TJD bringing the ball down the floor and dishing it off….I’d have said you were on acid. Even being a threat to handle the ball in the open floor changes how you have to guard him. 

    • Like 3
  10. Just now, IUFLA said:

    He'd absolutely be on any IU team I picked... No question...

    And he still stands up for the program and Mike Woodson...

    Love the kid... 

    And publicly stood up for teammates that wound up transferring. 

    Doing the right thing for no other reason than it’s the right thing to do….what a concept. It’s almost like that’s something we should all be doing.

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