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Everything posted by DC2345

  1. I’m not sure how much they frequent sites like this one and brown banners but I know they are watching peegs constantly. They probably check out the others sites with some regularity.
  2. Oh they definitely pay attention. They have staff members that monitor about message every board.
  3. I’m not sure it’s got that much to do with Nike. They aren’t pushing kids to schools like they used to and especially not with Duke since K retired.
  4. He might’ve but IU isn’t in that recruitment at all
  5. It all depends on the person and how many people close to the recruitment have loose lips.
  6. Hmmm 🤔 I wonder what he’s hinting at lol https://x.com/trillydonovan/status/1709596859696619767?s=46&t=F2LZ_vz_D7j6OwqKeWC6FQ
  7. That makes sense to me given what Boogie’s priorities are in his recruitment.
  8. With Flagg and McNeeley it was more what Self was trying to sell to the pair.
  9. Where’d you get that from what I said? IU is still in the mix for Queen and McNeeley could very well help IU’s chances.
  10. I’ve said it before but I think he’s known what he’s doing for a few days and is waiting for the 13th-15th to commit on ESPN but he could always decide to announce before then.
  11. Flagg and McNeeley had discussed teaming up at Kansas. That’s not happening and Kansas turned their attention to Passmore. I’m sure everyone can connect the dots as to why the Flagg visit got cancelled.
  12. Let me translate the posts from Trilly and Salter. Flagg cancelled his Kansas visit and will be landing Passmore pretty soon after turning up the heat on him over the last week or so.
  13. Either they know Carey is the guy for the job based on what he’s done behind the scenes or Tom Allen knows he won’t have time himself to make another hire this offseason.
  14. Something had to happen. He was ineffective in just about all aspects of his job as OC
  15. ND kicked the tires last year as well.
  16. I wouldn’t like a Fitzgerald hire personally because I want an offensive minded coach that can scheme things to score points. Fitzgerald just isn’t that guy.
  17. It’s even more than that. Look at what Colorado did with Sanders. Everything about the University became Prime everything. They have to create larger budgets and give greater support to football as well.
  18. Here’s my take on the current state of IU football. 1. Allen is a lame duck coach but he’s going to stay in place for another year because of the buyout 2. Tayven has had his struggles but Sorsby would too. They are RS Fr with an OC that isn’t putting them in great spots to succeed 3. For example Tayven isn’t great at running option offense yet Bell continues to call those plays. He also tells him what reads to make rather than letting him make the reads. That’s just not a good recipe for success 4. The university doesn’t support football at a high enough level. That has to change if the program ever wants to have any level of consistency 5. IU needs an offensive minded coach that can put QB’s in better positions to succeed
  19. Why has everyone started comparing all 6’7-6’8 white kids to Grady Dick? People keep doing that with McNeeley as well and Dick is a much different player overall than both McNeeley and Sisley.
  20. I believe it will happen at the ESPN televised event but he could decide to announce before then.
  21. Sometimes guys just like to wait. Everyone has their own reasons for doing things.
  22. Yep and there’s already been a crystal ball or two logged for Passmore to Kansas as well.
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