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Everything posted by DC2345

  1. He's never really been a true OC. He's just gotten different title's to warrant his pay because he is a really good WR coach.
  2. I’m not 100% sure at this point. I think with discussions still on going it’s hard to say who the #1 target is because I’ve heard 3 or 4 different names today alone. I think we’ll know more in 2-3 days.
  3. It’s clear to me what’s going on. There have been a handful of people that have gotten contacted. IU is in the process of narrowing things to finalize whoever their top candidate is sooner rather than later. If they don’t get things done with that person they’ll move on to another target. What has also been verified is who isn’t in contention and that’s everyone that Feldman mentioned lol
  4. Sorsby’s gone. He’ll end up at Big 12 school.
  5. It sounds like IU has had conversations with several potential candidates and that’s why there’s been so many names floating around. I believe the are in elimination mode now to try and get things finalized with their choice whether it’s Fitzgerald, Herman, Candle, Chryst, or someone else.
  6. There is a flight scheduled from Boca Raton to Bloomington fwiw. It’s probably nothing but you never know.
  7. Is that where you got this from because this isn’t adding up.
  8. You could be right but I haven’t heard his name mentioned much at all.
  9. Things can always change but it’s not likely that these are all smoke screens.
  10. I’d say Candle is the most likely. I could see Fitzgerald getting axed.
  11. Just in case anyone hears it go ahead and ignore anything about Gruden. That’s not happening but he does have some support for the job
  12. Any of the 3 are an improvement. That said I’m sure Dolson has been doing his due diligence the last few weeks.
  13. Dolson would like Fitzgerald but Whitten has to sign off on that. Candle will be the likely hire if everything goes well. If things fall through with the first 2 then it will be Chryst. Dolson is doing a good job so far. He just has to get things finalized.
  14. It will be someone with HC experience. The current names I’ve heard today that IU is involved with are Candle, Chryst, Cignetti, and Fitzgerald.
  15. That said nothing is a done deal but this isn’t going to be a long hiring process. There are others involved
  16. My educated guess at this point in time is Paul Chryst
  17. Weaver just said there is some chatter around Paul Chryst at the moment
  18. Woodson was a good hire for what IU needed at the time. He’s got 2-3 more years and it’ll be handed off to the next guy.
  19. I agree they need a proven winner but they also need more than that. I get concerns with ARE but I’m not totally against it if Dolson goes that way. I think my first choice would probably be Jason Candle though.
  20. I believe Dolson already has a good idea on who the next HC will be
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