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Everything posted by DC2345

  1. It's not a final list. They've still got at least a couple more names that will be added. Then they will do in person interviews later in the week.
  2. I'm not a fan of Rees at all either.
  3. Mike Hart is also in the mix to some extent
  4. According to Weaver on Peegs Tommy Rees and Jamarcus Shepherd could get a look if IU decides to expand their qualifications.
  5. Carey, Frye, Candle, Chryst, Lewis, and Silverfield have gotten or scheduled interviews so far.
  6. Chris on BTB just said he's heard that there have been 4 interviews so far all by zoom. They plan on doing 8 total with more happening today. ARE is out and Fitzgerald is out which goes along with what I've heard. He also said that 3 HC's and 1 coordinator have been interviewed so far. Frye has a lot of support amongst former players.
  7. Honestly there's a lot of truth to that too.
  8. That's what I'm saying. There are people that are consistently in the know that seem to think different things. Some think it's Candle, some say ARE, some say Frye, and there's some that think it's another person altogether. Shoot someone told me last night that Dolson is down to 3 active college HC's and 2 of them would be inspiring and the other not so much. My point is there's a lot flying around right now and it's hard to say what is legit.
  9. I think there’s multiple smoke screens because lots of people are hearing different names
  10. Yes, Dolson has discussed that but who knows if it would happen. The new coach would have to make the hire and they’d have to give him some pretty good money.
  11. I think there’s some smokescreens going on
  12. The was a flight today from Bloomington to Raleigh, NC too fwiw
  13. You mean like the time boosters were convinced Stevens was going to say yes. Some boosters do tend to put the cart in front of the horse so to speak.
  14. That is true. Sometimes though new HC’s still decide to keep guys around from the previous staff and @jojo123 said both OC and DC were coming back. That said IU technically had co DC’s so in theory we could both be correct or wrong. Who knows lol
  15. Not exactly but it’s possible Dolson turned to him if other guys said no. This search didn’t just start yesterday. I also know that Dolson wanted to get him back to IU and thought he could do that without making him HC but that might not have worked out
  16. I’ve also heard that the DC is gone so who knows
  17. I’m starting to think I should’ve given the Frye stuff more credibility. It’s possible he ends up the hire but I’m not 100% convinced. He does have alumni support though. Fitzgerald is out though. Whitten didn’t approve
  18. Just ignore anything mentioning Gruden. He’s not a real candidate even though his agent keeps pushing his name out there and he does have support from a booster.
  19. He was the HC at Toledo before Candle.
  20. Not really. Dolson wants someone with real HC experience. IU football can't take that kind of risk right now imo. Even though it would be a cool hire.
  21. Probably because it hasn't happened.
  22. Well the AD hardly ever makes hiring and firing decisions on their own at any level of athletics.
  23. Wait a minute, I thought you said he'd already made his hire in Frye?
  24. People behind the scenes and the IU decision makers.
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