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Everything posted by DC2345

  1. It sounds like he's willing to get out of the way.
  2. It'll be Pearl or May. Either way I'll take it.
  3. Lots of recruits have wanted to come to IU. The last couple years the assistants have done a great job. That said Woodson isn't this magical "closer" that he's been labeled as.
  4. Bingo. I'm glad to see that you've finally caught up. There's a reason I tried to tell people that Dolson wasn't as inept as people made him out to be.
  5. Maybe but I've always heard Buckner was involved with the Archie hire and not so much Crean being forced out. That's the first time I've heard him connected to the firing if that's the case.
  6. She doesn't even have all of here facts straight. Glass didn't hire Crean and Buckner wasn't involved in that situation.
  7. There was never going to be an in season change made so people need to sit back and relax. Both sides will be leaking things and pumping out confidence until the season is over. Woodson thinks he's an elite coach and doesn't even think that he's on the hot seat so he'll continue to maintain confidence in his job security.
  8. Nothing will happen until the season is over. That said a couple more losses would be helpful for certain people to make their case.
  9. Rabby has dropped hints as well. There have been other less credible people dropping hints or giving out info as well.
  10. I can't stand Gregg Doyle but he needs to write an article about Buckner and his mess he's created with IU basketball.
  11. There’s many reasons that Dolson wants to make a move. It has to with more than just the on court product
  12. I don’t think so. There’s more to this decision than the product on the floor.
  13. I don’t know. Trilly said they were notable and Rabby said it was north of 10 different ones.
  14. probably Calbert and Jordy lol. In all honesty I’d guess Evans and other than that I’m not sure but he seems like an obvious guess
  15. Trilly said Dolson met with some notable former players today and the message was simple. They want Woodson GONE!
  16. I don't think that's connected. I think Dolson pointed out things that Woodson has been doing a poor job of but the perception is already what it is and recruits know. It's not going to get better.
  17. They do however this screams of being a reactionary visit. Crazy how he meets with Dolson yesterday and then today he is magically going out to watch a recruit.
  18. Sisley will end up being a Purdue commit sooner rather than later and it's all because Painter knows how to make a player a priority and Mike Woodson doesn't. There's a reason Painter has a program in Purdue that is rolling like IU should be.
  19. It's because these are the types of recruits that Indiana should be landing but Woodson isn't putting in the work. Then these guys go to X, Y, Z school and make IU look stupid for multiple years. When a coach isn't able to land in state kids because they are lazy it's a serious problem. Also you never know when a recruit will get beat. For example Painter went to watch Sisley and his team got beat so now IU looks bad compared to Purdue by everyone around the state. It's a domino affect.
  20. It's not but if you think it's not a big deal than you're just wrong. It's a really bad look for an already sinking ship
  21. It’s not uncommon for AD’s to call a meeting to tell a coach they aren’t meeting expectations so they can try and adjust. It’s no different than getting called in by a boss in any other industry.
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