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Everything posted by DC2345

  1. Probably all of them. They’re all better college coaches than Woodson when it comes to actually doing the entire job.
  2. Not likely. It sounds like they are hiring his AAU coach to their staff
  3. WOW!!! I'm shocked that IU missed on an in state recruit that Purdue took. In other news the sky is blue.
  4. He does and will likely be an IU target when he enters the portal.
  5. I don't like it but outside of nobody showing up I do believe it's the only way to send a message to the athletic department. That and some interesting chants that I think should be directed Buckner and company.
  6. That's why I'm really confused. The Pearl stuff was coming from Dolson's side of things and there were some people from Pearls side as well. Things got louder earlier on Wednesday and then the leak happened Wednesday night. Since then things have gotten quiet. That's why I'm not entirely sure this is a done deal but I do think that some people got told to shut the **** up.
  7. I'm sure he gave some kind of reason but the reality is in todays day and age of college athletics it doesn't really matter
  8. No, he literally just asked out and the school wasn't going to fight it.
  9. He said he was getting some responses but hasn't elaborated. I truly believe people got told to stop talking.
  10. No, he just wants out because he has concerns with Woodson. Woodson hasn't been communicating with him since he signed. Plus he doesn't trust Woodson's offense. NLI's don't really mean anything anymore.
  11. Trilly has been asked multiple times to explain what happened on Wednesday and he continues to ignore it after he said he would tell everyone. Typically if Trilly knows something he's not afraid to say it.
  12. It's pretty clear there's a lot going on and the McNeeley decommitment has caused some more concerns.
  13. It was headed for that as soon as Dolson started looking at other options.
  14. I get that. I lot of programs especially in football have that now. My whole point was just that it's not going to work the way Woodson envisions it.
  15. The whole GM thing the way Woodson envisions it just isn't going to work in college. He actually thinks players will agree to play at IU when they aren't even being recruited by the HC. He still thinks he's in the NBA.
  16. Tom Crean to return as Woodson's GM lol
  17. I think they should get some input but they shouldn't be calling the shots on the final decision.
  18. The level of incompetence and laziness is insane.
  19. Glass didn't make the Archie hire and Dolson didn't make the Woodson hire. The AD needs to be given a shot to make his hire. Yes, the Allen extension was stupid. The Woodson raise was smart because of how it impacted his buyout. Woodson's buyout didn't increase because of that raise.
  20. That would make sense as to why Liam stopped hearing from Woodson. That said Woodson has proven to not be good a recruiting HS kids so who knows.
  21. People need to let the AD do their job. IU constantly has other people butting into the decisions because they have money or think they need to have an opinion and it just doesn't work out well.
  22. Mike Woodson is the most incompetent college basketball coach I’ve ever seen. Once again Walsh got Liam to commit and then Woodson bailed and Liam decommitted.
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