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Everything posted by DC2345

  1. I'm not sure that's the case but they are in a good spot. Landing the others would help with Harrelson so they're all connected.
  2. Fife was the smartest basketball mind on the staff at the time. He was pushed out because him and Woodson didn't get along at all and that's putting it mildly. Thad wasn't pushed out. He worked for Dolson and not Woodson.
  3. Well there's 2 visiting this weekend and Monday.
  4. Things seem to be going well on the visit. I'm sure Woodson is selling him on how he can use him in isolation actions which is where he's at his best.
  5. The Woodson pitch is almost certainly accurate. I do know things moved in a positive direction for IU after their most recent visit were Sisley and Mullins went together. Woodson reiterated that they were priority recruits moving forward and I'm sure he pitched them the opportunity of playing together. I also know what NIL amount Mullins was supposedly offered but I'm not sure about the others.
  6. I can say with certainty there is a certain level of validity to it. The Sisley part is the part that isn't accurate based on what I've heard.
  7. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up being a Hoosier fairly soon
  8. Rumor has it Woodson is pitching a big 3 in the 2025 class of Moreno, Mullins, and Sisley. All 3 AAU teammates. Sisley is the one holding things up. If he’s in then the other 2 are in. Woodson went all in on these 3 after the McNeeley debacle.
  9. For context there are some differences between this kid and JG. Blazi is 6’8 with a 7’2 wingspan. He’s also a possible redshirt candidate if thing workout right. I personally think he’s worth the risk as the 13th guy on the roster for a year.
  10. He always gets his info from someplace. He doesn’t just know everything
  11. I believe the info was coming from someone relatively close but Hickman himself didn’t agree
  12. Multiple reasons but not because of a lack of IU interest. I'm not sure IU will pay him what he wants and I'm not sure he likes Woodson's offense. Trilly has heard similar stuff too so we will see.
  13. There are some rumors that there will be some visitors on campus this week
  14. Because he’s a really good college basketball coach. It’s not that hard.
  15. Things are trending toward Mgbako being back. Newton isn’t likely to go anywhere unless he’s done playing because of his injury. Cupps isn’t going anywhere unless he gets pushed out.
  16. There’s a good chance he takes the St. Louis job but he hasn’t made a definitive decision yet.
  17. 1. Reneau 2. Mgbako 3. Galloway 4. Leal 5. Cupps 6. Newton 7-13. Transfers
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