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Everything posted by DC2345

  1. I wouldn't go into the luxary tax either if the team wasn't close to title contention which they really haven't been.
  2. That is to be expected that D'Antoni would get a second interview. That said I haven't seen it reported anywhere. I would expect the final 5 or 6 candidates who get second interviews to include D'Antoni, Billups, Ham, Bjorkgren, and (Quinn or Craig or maybe both). Dave Joerger and Chris Finch are also in the mix. Woj just called Joerger a strong candidate in the process.
  3. You're wrong about some of that. I know Pritchard said it was his decision but there were to many people saying that Simon was tired of first round exits and wanted Nate gone. If the Pacers would be close to a championship I suspect Simon would pay the tax for a year or maybe two but the roster hasn't been to that point.
  4. Similar yes but there is a difference and it's the most important. Vic was still in the building and working in the weight room as recently as yesterday. That said he could still be on the move if the front office sees it's the right move.
  5. PG didn't. He did however lie to Pritchard and say he wanted to stay and then a week later demanded a trade. This is a whole different situation.
  6. At least he did his best to squash them. He said he's focused on staying in the background, working out, continue with his rehab, and get right for next season.
  7. Vic has finally commented on the trade talk. He stated on his instagram that "I'm a Pacer" and that he doesnt know where the rumors originated from.
  8. Minny is a team I could see interested in Vic. If you get Culver that's great. As for Hayword if we trade Turner for him then either Lamb or McDermott will have to be included to match salary and then their will need to be other rotation players added to the bench. I also think Justin Holliday should be brought back for the bench as well if possible.
  9. I think you'll be surprised. The national guys are getting their information from somewhere.
  10. The Pacers if they want could add Gordon Hayword this offseason or next. I think he could get back to all star form when he isn't the 4th or 5th option. Word is he is open to coming home. He is building a house in Fishers currently as well. Other than him the Pacers have got to find ways to get draft picks or young players and actually develop those players which Nate McMillan refused to do. To go with that my prediction for this coming year is that if the right coach is hired TJ Leaf will become an impactful bench stretch 4 at least. Nate never gave him any time to develop and it showed.
  11. I get that and pretty much ever person who has said the Celtics have interest in trading for Turner and giving up Hayword has said the Celtics would have to include draft capital or young assets. That said it's all speculation at this point and as many as 10 teams or more are interested in Turner alone.
  12. Sounds like Doc Rivers will be the coach in Philadelphia. Possibly as soon as tonight.
  13. You’re wrong about that. They would because they need the cap space and they want Turner.
  14. Victor has his eyes set on other things. If it's not Vic directly it's people in his ear.
  15. Trade Scenarios involving the Celtics that work for salary reasons and not including picks Vic and Turner for Hayword and Langford Turner and Mcdermott/Lamb for Hayword In these scenarios the Celtics would likely throw in a pick or two to offset Hayword's salary and yes they would be willing to do it. They have to clear up cap space. The Pacers likely won't be trading Holiday either unless he doesn't fit what the new coach wants. Also word around the league is that Hayword is much more willing to come home to the Pacers than he has been in the past.
  16. Myles and Vic will both be gone. Things can change when a new coach is hired but it's unlikely. One thing that could be a reason for Vic wanting out is the Pacers might not be willing to give him a max contract. Which would be a smart move by the front office.
  17. The Pacers are going to start their second round of in person interviews here soon. They've likely been waiting for most of the teams to get finished with the in the bubble to move on to that round.
  18. The Pacers have been doing background work on Atkinson.
  19. Shams said that the Pacers are interviewing about 12 candidates and then cutting the list. So that means not everyone on that initial list by Woj interviewed. It was also said that Chauncey wasn't going to interview until the in person interviews started.
  20. Donovan interviewed with the Pacers last week.
  21. Billy Donovan could be coaching in the hoosier state....
  22. Wouldn’t mind it. The salary for Hayward could be a problem though. The Pacers are going to be open for business in trades this offseason since they don’t have any cap space.
  23. This time arounf gives me more hope since they are actually doing a real coaching search. They aren't just hiring someone because it's convenient.
  24. Jackson didn't get along with the front office. That's why he's not gotten another job among other reasons. Billups is unproven but that's why they are doing their due diligence. He brings playing experience that can relate to players and he's been rumored for a while to get some kind of coaching or fron office gig.
  25. According to Woj Chauncey Billups has interest in the Pacers job and is a candidate.
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