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Everything posted by Drroogh

  1. 4:20 left OG reenters with a one point lead, let's see what happens?
  2. Call the F ing tech!! Cmom ref's we all know you have been paid to make Lebron look good!
  3. Longest 1.9 seconds I've ever seen. clock watcher also a Lebron fan?
  4. Dang would be incredible if OG was still on the roster!
  5. With OG on Lebron he is either settling for a contested step back or passing it off! Go OG!
  6. Am I the only one watching OG? I guess I'll have to pick up tomorrow, 4:30 comes awful early!!
  7. F ing F ing Ref's letting Lebron get away with it!
  8. And with that defensive failure, OG is coming back in!
  9. With OG guarding Lebron the score is Lebron 7, OG 5! I got my head bit off earlier, but anyone who gives coach Crean credit for OG's defensive ability, well I disagree emphatically ! His ability is something that comes from within not from Tom Creans coaching!
  10. Crap OG limping off!! Get well OG!!
  11. Homer in me, says they win in 5! Hoping the Ledbron train derails!
  12. Surprised I haven't seen this posted anywhere, so how about here. Gordon and Victor on the USA roster.! http://iuhoosiers.com/news/2018/4/6/mens-basketball-ex-hoosiers-gordon-oladipo-named-to-35-man-2018-20-usa-basketball-roster.aspx
  13. At times i wonder what the season before would have been like had OG been healthy? Then I think maybe Crean would still be here and I say never mind!
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