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Everything posted by Drroogh

  1. HH is right they do have pizza here with egg in the middle! I didn’t order. At least it has bacon on it!
  2. I liked head cheese when I was a teenager but then one day I almost threw up and haven’t touched it since! May have just been bad but not going there again!
  3. I’m generally with you on borscht but my friends mother is originally Ukrainian and makes a very good Ukrainian version! Also I enjoy Russian soylonka soup, I think it’s mushroom cucumber based with some meat. And of course you are right about Real Russian Vodka!
  4. Speaking of Russia odd food you don’t normally have, Sturgeon is excellent! Also Russian caviar is far superior! Haven’t seen any pizza with eggs but I would have tried it at least 😋
  5. Speaking of Mexico I was in Mexico and stopped in a restaurant. There was a lot lost in the translation but pretty sure I ended up with horse. It was also very tasty. Course how can you go wrong with Mexican seasoning?😁
  6. Now all the kiddies won’t get their presents, oh no what have I done?
  7. So here I am in Helsinki airport, stopped for a bite to eat. They had a traditional Finnish dish on the menu “Reindeer Pasta “ I had to try it! (Sorry Kob) Turned out to be really good!
  8. From an outside perspective it does seem a more balanced approach is the better approach. Will be interesting as you say, seems like Vic is the kind of up and coming superstar that would back off to make the team better. Could make the Pacers a real player if they truly take advantage!
  9. I admit don't follow the NBA much but it does seem the Pacers have been just fine without Vic. So do they and Vic adjust to making it less of a VO show and more of a team show now that he is coming back?
  10. Hey TDH, how come you haven't posted this link https://www.thedailyhoosier.com/hoosiers-in-the-nba-2018-19-opening-night-rosters/ here?
  11. Got a feeling that after today, Lebron is going to make Morris wish he hadn't declared himself the second greatest Lebron defender! And since I can't stand anything making KU look good in anyway, I hope Lebron makes him look like the silliest player in the history of the NBA! That being said go Celtics, still remember the glory days of Bill Russell and Red Auerbach!
  12. Just saw that Toronto let Casey go! Wow, how is this going to impact OG? Maybe the stars are aligning and OG will land in Indy like we all hope!!! https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/raptors-masai-ujiri-on-firing-dwane-casey-hardest-thing-ive-done-in-my-life-i-think-it-was-time/
  13. OG guarded him about as well as Superman could and yet Lebron made it look easy!
  14. 3 whistles already and all in cav's favor, go figure. When is the NBA going to figure out playing favorites alienates fans, not endears them?
  15. By the way, I admitted in the animal thread, I'm horrible at playing!!!
  16. Good to see someone is watching the game besides me, even though i've got to get up in 5 hours!
  17. OG can't do much better than that even the Lebron scored!
  18. Lebron definitely blew OG away on that one!
  19. Amazing that kind of foul got called on Lebron, can't agree with that one.
  20. I'll give you that, but are you really trying to besmirch OG's effort:?
  21. lot's of help from the ref's, of course this is the NBA!!
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