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Everything posted by Drroogh

  1. Worked for a company that made Fuel Controls (carburetors on MEGA steroids) for F14, F15 and F16's, we also made brake and wheel components for the same planes as well as several Boeing commercial. One day we had a service order for SR71 brake caliper bodies, needless to say it was quite a step above the F14,15,16 brake calipers!
  2. Mile got me started with his post in the Trendon thread. "Within miles from my house is Centennial Airport. Good for 900 flights a day. Second busiest General Aviation airport in the nation. Planes fly over Cherry Creek State Park. We can watch them coming and going on our back patio. Fun to watch. The owners of the Broncos, Rockies, Nuggets and Avalanche use Centennial for their personal jets to fly into and out of along with bringing in players. Far enough away from my house that noise is not a concern, as the personal jets are not allowed over residential areas. The few times military jets fly, is another story. There was a time when the captain of a B-1 bomber requested touch and goes. And was granted. I was outside to view all three. First two were slow and headed out towards the state park. The last was full power, right over my house. The neighbor lady across the street, ran out of her house saying she was going to report the flight to Centennial. I just laughed and told her that was a B--1 bomber that just flew over her house. I loved it. And to this day, I don't know how my windows did not get shattered.” Love watching Aircraft doing their business. Worked for three years as a civilian driving around fort Benning, several C130's loved watching them dropping paratroopers! Remember at least twice Apache Helicopters tracking me like I was the target, was glad I could be of service! You could always tell when a President was flying in the Southeast as the KC 135's would be flying in and out! There engines literally SCREAMED! Maybe it was just coincidence but I doubt it. One time I needed to drive past the airport like every day, but there was a roadblock, they asked my business and they said Okay but be quick. Just as we had turned at the end of the runway and headed away from the strip, we heard the roar of jet engines reverse throttling, looked in the rear view mirror only to see Air Force One chasing me and then turning off onto the tarmac!
  3. Still think virtual 3D officials are a bad idea? Maybe, we need human officials just so we can feel good it wasn't because of our team's play?
  4. Enjoy it, 5G streaming TV is at least a couple years away!
  5. There is a new kid on the block! T-Mobile is announcing the introduction of their new TVision streaming service in limited cities to begin with. https://www.t-mobile.com/tv What I find extremely interesting they seem to be setting themselves up to be the first 5G streaming service, when 5G roles out. “TVision Home is about so much more than home TV … it’s TV built for the 5G era,” Mike Sievert, COO and President of T-Mobile said in a statement. “With New T-Mobile, we’ll bring real choice, competition, better service, lower prices and faster speeds … right into your living room." Stay tuned 5G TV is not as far away as some think.
  6. Mile, not far behind you!☺️. The last time I did any programming, was on punch cards in Fortran! But keep on learning! That's what keeps us young!!!
  7. Since as I have stated elsewhere my cell connection is several times faster than what I had available with DSL. I've got some serious bandwidth envy!
  8. Like this one, or better. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MTGM5I9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  9. Like Mile, I'm not quite sure what you are asking and since I do not have a ROKU, couldn't answer anyway. However, if you are looking into watching HULU and Netflix with your cell, they both have adequate APPS you can use on your cell. Personally, I have an adapter that I plug my cell into that then plugs into an HDMI cable going to my TV. The adapter also has a plug end so you can plug the cell phone charger in as well and charge your phone while watching TV. This is the one I bought. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009WHV3BM/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  10. There are lot's of ways to access, but both HULU and Netflix are subscription services. The services come with monthly billings, unless you get access through a different service like your cell phone contract. There is of course the multiple email sign up for free trials trick.
  11. In England I was on my laptop, tried two different VPN services ExpressVPN and TORVPN, every US location I tried was blocked. Even a couple of the somewhat secret servers. But like I said when I went to the ESPN site they let me sign on using my HULU account and I was able to watch the game on ESPN.
  12. Not sure about YouTube but I know HULU is VERY aggressive about blocking VPN servers. Found that out much to my dismay when I tried to connect while I was in England. Luckily ESPN was not so aggressive!
  13. Sorry, but Android is also Google! Not going there!
  14. It all depends on your particular situation and what is available to you. For Zline cutting the cord makes no sense, for me where the ONLY DSL was actually slower than my cell service, going cellular makes sense. In terms of streaming, again it depends on your needs and inclinations, for instance I refuse to use YouTube because it is owned by Google. I actually read the Google Terms and Conditions and avoid them like the plague!! Short answer there is no one size fits all answer!
  15. So was experimenting this weekend, started out with scratch olive oil mayo. 1st egg had too much lemon juice for my taste so made a second egg without and combined. Turned out well but a little salty, so I will reduce salt next time. https://www.geniuskitchen.com/recipe/olive-oil-mayonnaise-379245 Next I made some scratch sweet chili sauce, https://inquiringchef.com/thai-sweet-chili-sauce/ Since I'm trying to watch carb's, I substituted Stevia for the sugar, unfortunately still needed some sweet and since Stevia is so concentrated I ended up adding some sugar. Turned out well but not spectacular, will have to experiment some more. However, the ultimate goal was Bang Bang chicken salad. Boiled some chicken in chicken broth until fork tender, layered a bed of baby spinach mixed the shredded chicken with chopped scallions and chopped celery. Added in equal parts of the mayo and sweet chili, mixed all together and OMG!!! If you like spicier just add some Siracha sauce! You can of course just use store bought mayo and chili sauce but then you get all of those extra ingredients!
  16. Awesome! Bacon, cream cheese and jalapeno's are going to make anything taste great! And thanks to Julie!
  17. And not to be one of those people, I would share the homemade Bratwurst recipe I tried this weekend, but it had too much caraway for my tastes, so next time perhaps.
  18. Since this thread now includes recipes, ( courtesy of mile) I'm still waiting for the Rico Deer Bites and Zlinedavid vermouth recipes!! ☺️
  19. While I’m on the thought of tasting experiences, seems like the one that stands out the best for me was in Thailand! Visiting a vendor plant outside of Bangkok we went to an open air restaurant with no walls and a thatched roof! I noticed that the table had several tissue boxes on it and thought that odd! As we were eating some exceptional food the locals started using the tissues to wipe the sweat off their foreheads, yes the food was hot! I loved it! The food was great, the atmosphere was great, and the experience was great, can’t hardly beat it!
  20. Dang, this thread is messing with me as there are so many tasty treats out there in the world and living in rural Georgia the specialty is deep fried everything! At least they know how to do barbecue right!
  21. Living several years in Michigan a couple of specialties were smelt and morel mushrooms, especially the morels! and no I never heard of anyone putting them together
  22. I remember explicitly listening to the draft lottery numbers on the radio with several friends! While I was happy with 256 a good friend in the room came up number 3. There was no celebration that night!
  23. Truth be told in the animal house posting about strange food I was looking for a recipe and found a card my Mother left about a recipe that used a special implement that she had from her Grandmother. I still have it, and it must be WAY more than 100 years old. I'm just feeling old tonight!
  24. Crap, even worse, as I responded here I was RSVP'ing about a good friends retirement party. He's younger than me and retirement is nowhere in sight for me! now I am REALLY depressed! Good thing I have HSN to lift my spirits!
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