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Everything posted by mrflynn03

  1. When discussing 1972 in music the Rolling Stones album Exile on Main St is right there at the top. One of the truly great if not greatest rock n roll albums of all time. Hard to choose just one song.
  2. 3rd player de-commits from 2023 class. https://www.thedailyhoosier.com/2023-defensive-back-travon-west-decommits-from-iu-football/
  3. Be worth a look. He was a 5 star top 20 recruit overall.
  4. When I read the headline I was like charges. What? After reading the article the charges are well deserved.
  5. Oh sorry. The gist is the guy that hit the portal was dismissed from the team due to an incident in practice.
  6. Things looking a little shaky in Madison? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.buckys5thquarter.com/platform/amp/2022/10/13/23402417/wisconsin-badgers-football-former-5-star-tackle-logan-brown-hits-transfer-portal
  7. Even then the yellow rodents are likely no match.
  8. Poor Juwan https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/college/indiana/2022/10/12/indiana-basketball-trayce-jackson-davis-praised-by-michigan-coach-juwan-howard/69559055007/
  9. Trust me, they don't really care as much about illegal gun possession as you would think.
  10. I emit so much gas on a daily basis they should try to regulate me. As for something else that's been annoying me, like I need anything else, the language around carbon emissions is either ignorant or purposely misleading. They talk about 0 net carbon emissions. Well, an indisputable law of nature is matter can neither be created or destroyed. There are only 3 states of matter. Therefore, if carbon is not emitted as a gas then it has to be in liquid or solid form. So something somewhere is getting polluted with carbon waste. I guess my Scottish hooligan for an organic chemistry professor passed his hatred of ambiguous language on to me.
  11. I've been known to experiment with different crop in random spots in my yard. Still trying to figure out watermelons.
  12. In 1971, my dad's all time favorite band released their first album.
  13. Maybe Bama forgot Minnesota doesn't have a dome anymore.
  14. So this is probably a dumb idea. I don't have any tattoos and I'm not opposed to the idea. I've never had a reason but thought if I did it would be a related to American history and truck driving. I'm thinking of working up a sketch using symbols from American independence and work in something truck driving related and the date June 12, 2022 written in the script they used for the declaration of independence. It would be a symbol of my day of independence, a visual and physical reminder. If I don't do a tattoo I could have it professionally drawn maybe. I'm not a terrible artist. I'm just good enough to make Hitlers art look like a 5 year old drawing with oversized crayons.
  15. Wait, Bama scheduling a P5 non-con game? May be another step in P5 separating themselves from the others completely.
  16. Yeah, HOA is definitely not for me. I just recently won a 3 month battle with my town over a supposed ordinance violation. They weren't following the general assemblies guidelines for enforcement and I called them out on it. They wanted to stick me with a $250 fine for bags of building scrap and a couple old chairs in the back of my truck. At the time they wrote the ticket and final notice I was in compliance well within the 10 days they didn't allow me because the dumbassess dated the final notice and ticket on the same day. They threatened to take it to court and I said bring it. I was polite at first but they kept pushing. So I finally told them some things they could do to themselves that I can't repeat here.
  17. A little belated. 71 reasons why 1971 was the greatest year in rock music history Not just rock but 1971 is arguably the pivotal year in most genres.
  18. Maybe some people just don't like living in Bloomington.
  19. It's difficult to remind yourself when looking at social media that those are people's highlights. It's easy to get in a mindset that your life sucks but the reality is everyone has some challenges they have to face.
  20. Wait. People don't turn their lawns into gardens?
  21. Lose repeatedly is pretty unique and different from most programs.
  22. I was laughing before but about had an all out attack after that avengers line.
  23. Why is goose singular and geese plural but moose is both singular and plural. Shouldn't the plural of moose be meese?
  24. I think his only D1 offer was Navy. He could be a stud for you guys.
  25. The part about his dog killed me. I couldn't stop laughing after that.
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