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Everything posted by mrflynn03

  1. Smokers buying cigarettes at gas station checkouts or anywhere for that matter have moved down on my list. They have been replaced by vapers.
  2. I haven't actually taken the test. I'm still analyzing all the data and contemplating the options. 😉
  3. So it appears I am a Type C personality 10 Top Secrets Of The Type C Personality You Need to Know Pretty wild how accurate these descriptions can be. Some things make more sense. I do this a lot. Sometimes I just have to satisfy the urge to be left alone. As introverts, C-personalities need to be alone to think when they feel overwhelmed. Often, they will seek out a serene place to sit and think. Emotional appeals don't work well to convince me either. Other people trying to sell a C-personality on something through the use of emotional reasoning often fail because a C-personality would consider this person to be full of hype and think about the possible facts that are hidden by the hype. Their extreme skepticism and their constant use of logic to make decisions in an objective manner mean that they are rarely swayed by the use of emotion.
  4. Seriously guy, you coach for Fresno State. Relax https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/2022/10/16/fresno-state-coach-leave-breaking-glass-injuring-fans/10518859002/ Edit- probably used to coach for them after this stunt
  5. College basketball needs the equivalent of an advent calendar. The football season has been thoroughly disappointing.
  6. He probably cried in the candy aisles as a kid.
  7. Yeah, but that's the same as going 21-12 in the Big 10 according to him.
  8. Hey, It's the nationwide insurance guy.
  9. Wasn't one of Boeheims assistants wife servicing players at one time. She was fugly too.
  10. Someone in the administration needs to decide if they want a winning program or not. Then figure out who they think can make it happen. And get them here no matter what it takes. Don't take no for an answer.
  11. The new o line coach has a winning fbs record.
  12. IU may be the first to 700 losses but they've played 133 years. They aren't last in winning percentage. Wake forest, new Mexico st and utep have played for 100+ years and have a lower winning percentage. So it could be worse.
  13. I just don't understand it. Even other historically bad programs have exceptional season on occasion.
  14. If you ain't first you're last - Ricky Bobby
  15. I don't see a scenario where this team wins another game. Lucky they aren't 1-5.
  16. Maryland even beat us in penalty yards.
  17. f962b0ae-41e1-41a6-b95c-687cbc86e3a5.mp4
  18. Well I didn't have a overtime in me anyway.
  19. I hope he's out for the rest of the game due to overprecaution and he makes a full and speedy recovery.
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