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Everything posted by Inequality

  1. TJD knows who the man is. He is a humble and intelligent kid. Edit: He’s also very unselfish. Personally, I’m ok with him pulling a Jordan and putting up 25 shots per game.
  2. He got a nice helping of TJDs house this evening.
  3. I think we’re all just used to KL holding down a chair. I’m probably in the minority but I would like to see more from Lander, Geronimo, Bates and Leal. Just not all at once.
  4. For Pete’s sake please don’t break out the troll food 🤦‍♂️
  5. You can feel the difference with Trace off the floor. Enjoy him while you can folks. No matter if he leaves this or next year, he is going to be a hard one to replace. Especially if IU doesn’t figure out how to shoot the long ball consistently better.
  6. Easy fellas. History says if ya get too happy and the refs will even the score.
  7. Emotion from TJD is what I like to see
  8. Refs letting them play through contact. I like it.
  9. Can we get the next 20 minutes played like the last 5 of the first half please
  10. That over the top action was used against IU by St Johns. It works and glad they remembered to use it. Would have been great vs Penn St.
  11. Oof! Welcome home Joey Brunk says TJD
  12. I like Joey but that emotion he showed early would get him eaten alive by the student section if only they were all back
  13. Why does Jordan hit every 3 he takes but gets very little playing time.
  14. This dude I have high hopes on… Tamar Bates
  15. That’s it. Race take the three before Stewart. Genius
  16. Don’t forget Brunk 😃 Didn’t someone mention they might have some players out or was that Twitter? Could be a mirage in my brain as well…
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