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Everything posted by Inequality

  1. Fran crossing half court should have been T’d up. He had no business on the IU side of the floor regardless of his assumption. He went out on the floor near mid court when his kid was involved in something vs Wisconsin. That stuff needs reigned in. The game is already hugely mental for the players and the stuff the adults in the room have been getting away with is getting out of control.
  2. Folks it was a good game. Iowa lives and dies by the three ball. That last bank shot was a lot of luck that would beat anyone. Kinda unfortunate for me I have a couple big contracts to finish up this weekend. I’m off to Nicks for a pizza and few drinks to prepare myself for a long night at work as well as selection Sunday. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  3. It has to be my bias but it always seems the commentary get so excited when the other team scores.
  4. Two games in a row they have started off well the first 5 minutes.
  5. Sometimes the site is slow to upload images and links. If we hit send to quickly, it does not load completely.
  6. I would be fine with 2 but I am hoping for 1 today
  7. Does Iowa have any Robs? If not, could be good for IU or at least RP. Seriously though, I hope to see Fran blow his lid from frustration.
  8. I do think Dan cares about IU. His flaming I think stems from him not being on that IU sideline? Some of the stuff he says is spot on and other stuff seems to be trolling for hits. Seems to be all about entertainment with a twist of reality in there. A lot of people don’t like him because he can say things they don’t want to believe. I used to be one of those people. I used to hate him, now I think I just understand him for who he is. Doesn’t mean I always agree with him. I definitely don’t go out of my way to listen to his shows.
  9. And for you Dakich lovers out there, and it appears that there is a lot of them here today, here is his latest Tweet…
  10. I don’t know about turn things around like someone just mentioned. I’m not on that ‘we’re back’ roller coaster anymore. They won two games they likely shouldn’t have given their resume and the overall eye test for the mediocre season. They played well for three halves of the four. Kudos for finally playing to your potential. I say most of it is two key players returning to the lineup and providing a lift.
  11. My wife said multiple times during that game… “That Davidson is a little prick”. And other various versions of course. His antics are obvious to everyone.
  12. Tyson Walker takes it straight at Davidson to put Michigan St. up 4 with :56 remaining. I love March!
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