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Everything posted by Inequality

  1. Goodman reporting Jamal Meeks to Ball State as assistant coach to Lewis.
  2. I prefer folks not tweet at or tag players at all
  3. Butler is going to be a force. They now have the best proven college coach in the state. As long as he stays healthy, he should do really well at Butler and have them consistently competitive when tourney rolls around.
  4. Fun game. Both teams played downhill and played their hearts out. Kansas won the title but Carolina has to be extremely happy where they are with a new coach in year one. I admit, knowing Carolina and Duke was about to experience a coaching staff change. I wanted the same misery for their fan base that the IU fan base has had to endure. Actually I expected it. Dang it I was wrong…
  5. Imagine TJD having talent surrounding him like NC has around Bacot.
  6. If Manek is playing concussed. It’s not currently noticeable. At first he appeared wobbly. Seems to still hit his shots just fine.
  7. Welcome @Jerseys4Hope. Thanks for sharing your incredible story. Glad to have you around.
  8. And my counter would be grasping at straws. He shouldn't get a free pass just because he’s a good point guard. And if he does, expect more of the same down the road with the same free passes to be fair. His goodwill interaction with children doesn’t override his failure to make good choices. He can’t continue to turn a blind eye to team rules let alone completely disrespect local law and authority. I’m not saying throw him to the wolves. I think this along with other things will be considered in coach Woodsons decision. However, I am concerned that his habitual disrespect to rule while getting a free scholarship ride poses a threat to establishing an acceptable culture. The off the court stuff and how it’s handled matter to families who’s kids could potentially be interested in the program. He did what he did. No one made him. He’s accountable. I am certainly not going to make excuses for him.
  9. It’s not the same thing as a kid that’s also accountable to team and university rules as well as the face of an NIL sponsor and expected to be an ambassador to the IUBB program. The fact that he made an attempt to let another person take the fall says a lot about his character.
  10. This is about more than just doing 90 in a 25 and in no way is it relative to a Walmart greeter in the same situation. He’s very lucky no one was killed including himself or the other two in the car with him. This is about compete disregard to the culture that a brand new coach is trying to establish. A mockery of the team rules and complete disrespect of the coaching staff, athletic department, Indiana University and his teammates. Unlike the Walmart greeter, while XJ is on the team, he doesn’t get to clock out and be on his own time. Where arrest as such would likely be irrelevant to his job status. Instead he is also held accountable to rules set forth in his scholarship agreement on top of local law. He is held to a higher standard of expectations. I think it’s wrong to say he should be kicked off the team from our perspective as fans. But, I can’t see how allowing him to continually make mistakes while also remaining a starter on the team is doing any good towards establishing a reputable & winning culture that parents of other players and recruits want their kids to be part of.
  11. I can speak for myself thanks. @btownqbThe Matta news along with X early this am is just to much for one day.
  12. Butler hit a grand slam. IU trips on its own _____. I’m taking today off. I honestly just can’t with IU today.
  13. Welp. So much for optimism. Disappointing.
  14. My neighbor is a thief. I saw him steal a valve stem cap. He hasn’t been prosecuted though. But he’s a thief because I said so.
  15. If Carolina were to win this with a first year coach, that could set them up to be a recruiting juggernaut for the next 10 years.
  16. I have zero issue with Duke. Coach K continues to put together a winning squad from since I can remember to now in 2022. This isn’t a Brady Bunch world. They stand tonight on the big stage. Recruits watching. K is an RMK student. A Master of the game. Exactly where I want IU to get back to.
  17. I know your pain Bill. “We’ve got to finish plays. We’ve had four layups not go in for us”.
  18. Kansas is 🔥 right now. Smooth running machine.
  19. To have this kid and JHS, two kids that know how to win and know each other’s game, wow that would be exciting.
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