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Everything posted by Inequality

  1. The rock chalk chant will be annoying as usual
  2. Need Jalen back. I’ve said it for a while now but without Jalen the offense tends to be more stagnant. Malik seems to play more efficient when on the floor with Jalen.
  3. Yep. Gonna take some stellar defense to force some bad shots
  4. Good move taking X out for a sec to avoid the makeup call against him
  5. Best thing they can hope for with Jalen out is defensive stops leading to quick transition. Not gonna get it done dribbling around the half court.
  6. My eyes need Jalen and Malik. This slow half court ball is stale.
  7. With the depth and experience this team has, winning at home won’t get much easier. Especially when speaking of Nebraska, Rutgers, Northwestern etc. 4 of the current starting 5 have what 4-5 years college level, D1 experience each. The sole freshman starter shows more upside than all of them. Im still baffled at how they lost to Rutgers after that team had lost two of their top scorers in Baker and Harper Jr.
  8. I like that. “smashmouth basketball” Yeah I agree. What’s frustrating is that taking Trace out of the game and forcing IU to shoot the ball is not a new strategy by opposing teams.
  9. I think when Kopp has become your MVP, your probably not in a good spot
  10. For those of you that stuck around: Thank you all so much for being the civil respectable people that you are. I’m at work (we don’t get days off) and I was thinking folks was about to burn this place down and the mod team was gonna burn with it. Shew…
  11. Scott you can stop calling people out and making your little snips at other members. If you don’t like what they have to say that doesn’t mean you have to respond.
  12. It’s a normal thing for him. With Jalen out today he needs to be sharp and play with his skill and not his mouth and attitude
  13. This is what I’m talking about. X let’s his emotions get the best of him. It’s a downward spiral once he starts his bs. Calm down and play under control. It sucks when you don’t have Jalen or someone that can come in and take his spot when he gets in these “moods”
  14. I really wish X would just play the game
  15. They are going to hammer us down low every time. Let’s get some Malik and Trace touches
  16. Get Trace involved early. Let’s go
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