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Dawg Bawls

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Everything posted by Dawg Bawls

  1. Being tossed around and pushed in the back all game can do that to ya...
  2. I know this aint IU but... I wanna give a shout out to Harrison County Girls Basketball Lanesville with a big win at State final, and a hard fought game for Corydon Central in their lose... having 2 teams from one small county fighting for state pride in a truly great state of basketball, with 2 great teams playing tonight!!! Can I get an Amen!!!
  3. Imagine Dakich and Walton ... aye yai yai...
  4. Or maybe you meant for beers and shots...?
  5. I couldnt help but ask myself if Bobby would have wore that shirt...Its ok to say good things AFTER the game but it takes away the competitiveness before/ during, but like they said last game ... they trying to get rid of taunting, its this kumbaya world we live in now... sports have taken the place of tribal conflict..Irish, Scots, etc, for good reason, but should still be a place for men to battle.
  6. You musant say anything negative... ALWAYS be a homer...or youll upset the flock...
  7. Maybe so, but if you cant hit and someone else can, pass don't force it is all I'm saying
  8. Bracey 2.0 took enough for everyone...
  9. I was thinking Deliverance...waiting for the squeal....
  10. the ref has 4x as many games, so they have more practice then NCAA refs, NCAA needs to recruit NBA refs at least for a head ref
  11. Like last night we would have already been down on our side taking ball with 2.5 secs left?
  12. Oh it was used to control the game aright...lol
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