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Dawg Bawls

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Everything posted by Dawg Bawls

  1. I said similar a few games back and was blasted...
  2. I believe thats just enough for a half gallon for tourney..
  3. That would be ridiculous if so, and not excused
  4. At $40 a half gallon it could taste like pigeon, id still hit itπŸ˜…
  5. Never trust any Wild Turkey...😁
  6. Nuthin wrong with chasin a Turkey around, just cant let it catch ya. I was station San Diego for awhile and went to a party with a bunch of Hoity Toity types, broke out the Turkey... lost half em in about 30 mins..they prolly still missing.πŸ˜†
  7. https://www.foxnews.com/sports/louisville-virginia-tech-mens-basketball-game-turns-ugly-dog-relieves-itself-court-during-halftime-gig.amp sounds bout right... Good Dawg
  8. As long as he stays away from the Turkey, we'll be good
  9. Not enough Wild Turkey in the world to do that...
  10. My daughter said Iowa played like they were on cracked corn!!!πŸ˜„
  11. Im exposed right now...😊
  12. I just had a thought of Plumber Pete of Purdue working on the pipes...cause its backedup with black feathers...still cussing us
  13. ...better use protection on that one. Treat em like a Marine in Thailand.
  14. when i switched from direct to streaming, my bill was cut by 2/3 and I have wwaay more...and a little bird piss doesnt screw up the reception
  15. Puddle of something...may not be tears
  16. I hope they wore themselves out.. cause they might follow it with the worse game in Hx...😜
  17. Im still pissed about Luke Recker
  18. If this happens only cockroaches would be left... we all remember The Day After... not pretty
  19. Peter Pfeiffer... he'd be my pick of people...
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