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Dawg Bawls

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Everything posted by Dawg Bawls

  1. Who's announcing the game for UK right now the play by play
  2. I just saw Hulls in pic and was like "Hell Yeah!!!"...then I realize Im a dumbass...
  3. Gorgeous!!! He just needs a tutor... maybe a job would help... Frisbee Golf/ football?
  4. Just like humans... you can be great looking but just cant do basic math😄
  5. That would be fan-freakin-tastic...He really did watch the games with me. He and I would sit on couch and would watch together...maybe because i was watching. Who knows. When I yelled at the Watshot and ran around like a fool.. he was barking and running with me!! The whole family laughed their butts off...and when jumped the whole house would shake.. 150lbs dropping on floor like a brick
  6. Yeah i had two and one went before the other did, my daughter was still 5 so processing was different for her, when the 2nd past, Yukio quickly stepped in to fill that void for her..Khy is 15 now and never had to process this before. She almost lost me and her grandpa these last few months so this is really messing with her. I hope the pain will go quickly but I dont think it will. He passed away in his favorite spot in our living room and diner was really hard tonight..Prayers are needed with this one.
  7. Cherish every freaking moment until that time and be sure to say goodnight no matter how tired you may be ... you are their family as much as any pack. I hope everyone with a dog tonight gives a little extra love to theirs..
  8. Yeah they were put here on this earth for us, without them man would not have become man, and I wouldnt be the man I am without them teaching me to trust, honor, be loyal, to love, PATIENCE.... Diego, Andres, now Yukio have all taught me how to be the father I want to be. Amazing how little things are the big things sometimes.
  9. So i told her and she laughed and said pain hits all ages...
  10. Cats are like having your wife's cousin from California crashing in your basement...just there for the free food and catnip.
  11. I would like to get another dog but convincing the wife is different story... maybe a Shiba Inu, its the small cousin... maybe I could sneak him/her in and she'll never know... at least for awhile😇
  12. Thank you for words and support, Its rough right now for me and wife, but Im trying to here for Lil Dawg. Shes not too good today.
  13. I cant even imagine being a child and growing up with them... the pain has to be immense, i know as an adult I understand and have delt with loss. But just loosing a toy can be devastating. My daughter has been in bed all day sense and I dont know what to do or say but give her space and time. Ive been cleaning house all day and didnt realize how much he ruled this place.
  14. My house was built by Coach Wood's brother John in Corydon. He was the coach there at one time. Played at IU. Great article for you Hx lovers. https://www.newsandtribune.com/sports/clark_county/high-school-boys-basketball-fifty-five-years-after-helping-open-dunn-arena-former-c-town/article_66ecb046-0d6e-5c0e-ae89-3975bf3d6f4f.html
  15. You guys are helping in ways you dont know... while in and after military I didnt really get close to people as a combat medic, its hard to have friends cause ultimately those friends will be under your care... having a dog is the closest I come to having a friend and I failed him this morning... even though we really dont know each other I feel a kinship with you all, having all the health issue I have had recently and the well wishes I turned to this board for solace and you all have not failed me. THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU!!!!
  16. Truth!!! The look he had... he knew she'd was big enuff to take care of herself now.. so he let go... but she didnt
  17. Yeah it gets you in every spot...for all the right reason though. Whoever did it had to know the Akita for sure...cause they were spot on!
  18. Our 3rd Akita and swore we weren't getting another but we heard about him and went and looked, he came home with us that day. By the way, dont watch this movie...😉
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