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Everything posted by NCHoosier32

  1. people who say rankings aren't everything say it because their team or recruit isn't ranked very highly.
  2. just found this thread. very saddened to here it. one of the few people that i might concede hated the Smellermakers as much as i do. RIP HTD
  3. without seeing anything other than tweets and stats... it is encouraging to have 3 new starters from the new guys. it is very encouraging to see Bates early on. i think Kopp is just what we need in that role. Stewart may be a little concerning? are Rob or Lander really gonna be much better this year? love the FTs and lack of TOs. 3 point shooting still looking ugly. very excited to get to the season!
  4. it's not the lineup i want to see, but i would bet X, Rob, Stew, Race, TJD with the only question being Kopp for Stew or Race? i just don't have much faith in Rob other than being a good teammate and experienced. it would make a ton of sense that Rob, TJD, and Race would all start at least in preseason stuff. at the same time, it is theoretically a new system and a clean slate for all including returners, so who knows?
  5. eh, i haven't argued all summer, so i guess i'll rile some people up... i get annoyed with all of the rankings don't matter stuff. sure, it's far from a science. sure you have your dwyane wades and oladipos. sure you have plenty of busts too. still, people who say rankings don't matter are from teams who can't get highly ranked recruits. pretty rare that you get a highly ranked guy and everyone says, eh, who care about rankings? this guy won't be any good. anyway, now that i have everyone riled up, i'm not at all saying that about Banks. i have never seen him play. what i always think is telling is who else recruited him hard. looks like AL, Clemson, GA, GT. not a bad group. wouldn't mind seeing a little higher level group, but not bad. we'll see.
  6. not really too exciting, but small tidbit... London used to play for the organization outside Charlotte that my sons play at and i coach for. before he reclassed he was always the same age group as my oldest son. he actually played for the B team for some reason back then and my son's team was much better, but they beat them sometimes strictly because London was the best player out there. that was probably 6 years ago or so. that's all i got. i didn't really know him other than watching him play.
  7. I think that has a lot to do with his injury. He seems to be really blowing up!
  8. I'd definitely be open to it. Problem is they aren't going to recruit a 5'11'' kid from NC. I'm sure they've never heard of him.
  9. thanks buddy. definitely a stressful, but exciting time!
  10. so here's the thing... my son is a ridiculous 3 point shooter. extremely high Bball IQ... 4.4 GPA... 1310 SAT... but... he is 5'11''. he's getting tons of D3 interest, more and more D2, and so far Cornell and VMI have reached out. he has mentioned walking on a D1 if he doesn't get a D1 offer, but i don't understand why he wouldn't take a D2 scholarship if that's the case. he really went off against the big boys in the live period with a lot of coaches watching, so we're hopeful he'll be getting more calls soon. in the next live period he'll be playing with a 7 footer on his travel team who has offers from almost everywhere including Ohio St. i sure hope he plays well then! he is a huge IU fan growing up in NC.
  11. obviously no, but i probably can get in touch with his HS coach if that would help?
  12. i didn't really see him play. it was more talking to his HS coach. i assume he is not very quick. he looked like a specimen.
  13. i have absolutely no ill feelings toward Crean. i actually respect the job he did to bring us back to respectability. he just stood out to me as very odd. BTW - Sensabaugh led the camp in scoring while playing the absolute top teams.
  14. So I was actually coaching in this tourney, so I didn't pay a lot of attention honestly. The Crean thing was just a strange timing. I was waiting for one of our games to start and he walked almost right by me, so I watched him for a few. It's hard to explain, but coaches were usually with at least one other coaching chatting it up, and he was standing completely by himself. He was also standing in kind of an awkward weird pose with one arm on his hip. He was chomping his gum excessively. He was kind of spinning from watching one court to another in a way that made him almost seem lost. I don't know. It's hard to explain. Today I saw Rosemond there. I was walking by kind of quickly and saw a coach in the coaches only section wearing an IU shirt. I didn't know who it was, but I knew it wasn't Woodson or Fife, so I kind of stared at him wanting to tell him I was an alumni or something, but you really aren't supposed to talk to them, so I passed. I looked up his pic when I go back to make sure it was him. Cool I guess. My son actually led the event with 18 made 3s.
  15. So... not super exciting, but kinda cool. I am in Cartersville, GA at a big live period event with my son's high school team. We're playing the big dawgs. Milton is preseason #3 in the nation, FSU High School is Charlie Ward's school (I actually coached against him yesterday and lost in OT), McEachern (GA) is a big time program, and Grey Collegiate is as well. Those are the 4 teams our 3A school is playing. Anyway, tons of college coaches here and I was standing about 20 feet from Crean for awhile. Just a really weird dude. Bennett is here, Oats, Self, Hamilton, Pearl, and a ton of assistants. On a really cool dad note, my son hit 7 threes against FSU. So... Brice Sensabaugh... plays for Lake Highland Prep in Orlando, FL. They are staying at our hotel. I have been talking with his coach a lot. He has some offers, but appears to be rising stock wise. He's a 6'6'' guard. Thick looking athlete that can shoot the 3. He said he heard from Coach Woodson the other day. No idea of the interest level, but pretty cool.
  16. i know. i know. we agree to disagree about the NBA. i really have tried a few times over the last couple years. what is your prediction on how Woodson subs?
  17. i knew about the days off. one of the thousands of reasons i have no interest, but when you say same as college, i'm not trying to be funny or sarcastic, but what does that mean? i feel like some schools play 8 and some play 11, etc. i'm just curious because my guess was that Woodson would play a deep bench. i don't like that personally, but thought an NBA guy would be likely to so that. do we not think so as a group? very curious on predictions of that.
  18. okay. i don't watch the NBA. would rather watch literally anything else on TV. i thought they played more guys and did a strict scripting sub pattern. that's not the case?
  19. why do you say he only plays 7,8,9 guys? i would think NBA guys would be thinking to play more guys and in a scripted sub pattern. i hope you're right!
  20. yeah. and honestly i think playing hard ass is a lot more important that what defense. MM, packline, zone, whatever... if you don't play it hard it doesn't matter. you have to buy in and have pride in it.
  21. i do kind of wish he knew there were 40 minutes in the college game, but that's just me.
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