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Everything posted by NCHoosier32

  1. ...for more rumors about who will play Sat...if there are gonna be more repercussions, etc.
  2. so tough right now. i have been wanting them both to play fewer minutes whether they start or not. with the current state of affairs, i definitely hope Stewart doesn't start until he earns it back. if he isn't a supportive teammate and onboard with expectations, i hope he continues to sit until he leaves. unfortunately he seems to at least give us more than Kopp, but at least Kopp isn't in trouble. i guess i feel like the 5 who started the last game deserve at least a token start Sat. regardless of whatever else happens. playing time, roles, and starting is obviously tricky right now because more than ever it needs to be based on attitude, effort and ability/performance.
  3. can't imagine what poster or posters you might be talking about.
  4. definitely one of those times that i didn't want to be right, but 3-4 wins the rest of the way regardless of the 5 players' fates seems realistic... ...call me crazy, but still not a fan of Race shooting 3s... ...it does say a lot that Woodson sat those guys out, but would be really disappointing to me if any of them turned around and started the next game. solid playing time? sure, but not right back to starting... ...i never saw Stewart, but if his body language was as bad as everyone is saying and he wasn't cheering his team on, coaches obviously had to see it and will definitely see it on film. i've had multiple college coaches tell me that they actually watch the film and chart things related to bench energy, etc. if he is letting his teammates down that way, he should be done.. ...once all of this is sorted out, the bottom line is that Kopp just isn't good enough... ...very strange to me that Dumcomb didn't even get spot minutes with only 6 other scholarship players available.
  5. painful. we do one each semester. we are like 3 weeks into 2nd semester.
  6. teacher here agrees. we have Meet The Teacher Night, so no nap after school for this guy and i am usually getting ready for bed by 9pm. gonna do my best to stay up.
  7. hey buddy. hoping you're right and i'm wrong! i feel like you went kind of aggressive on me for thinking we might only win 4 of 9? now you say 5ish? all good. i hope you are right as always!
  8. well... i know i don't know what i'm talking about, but that 7-2 over the last 9 is looking a little less likely and the 4-5 i predicted isn't looking quite so stupid. hope i'm wrong!
  9. is there such thing as a bad Paul Simon song?
  10. call me crazy (but please don't call me Scott), but he came in shooting 24% and is 0-3 today.
  11. i know most think it's a great idea, but i'm not a fan of this new 3 point shooting Race Thompson,
  12. here's the home cookin everyone has been asking for!
  13. i just don't think it makes sense. to me a burrito has to have the outer covering. naked burrito just don't make no sense!
  14. loving the noon start! maybe too early for bourbon, but gives me an excuse to have a screwdriver.
  15. that definitely blows my mind, but i love the stats. i was going to kind of try to look up predictors today to get an idea. i don't think i expect us to lose every marginal game. i just figured we would be underdogs in @ OSU, @ MSU, and @ PU. sure we could pull an upset. personally if i am predicting, which is what we are discussing, i don't predict an upset there. don't know if we'd be underdogs vs #11 at home? i could see that going either way. haven't seen odds on Saturdays' game, but figured it could go either way. i'm thinking/assuming we'll be favorites at NW and MN, but think NW is actually pretty good and MN is a very tough place to play. i'm not predicting we lose both, but don't think either are gimmes. i want to count Rutgers and MD at home as wins. other than that, all i'm saying is i think it's likely we lose the 3 toughest road games and 2 more. could we go 7-2? 6-3? sure! i don't think many would want to take that bet though? 4.75-4.25 seems reasonable.
  16. so, i know we disagree on this, and that's cool. i just find it tough to expect wins @ MSU, @ OSU, @ Purdue. so that's 3. then @ NW is a tough one. home vs. Illinois is a tough one. if we win 1 or 2 of those, that's also assuming there's no chance of losing at home vs. #11 Wisconsin or at MN where it is always tough to play. so while i don't think many of those are absolutely no chancers, i just think it's hard to see us winning on the road and/or every good team we have remaining at home. that's all. i hope we go 9-0 and you can feel welcome to tell me I Told You So!
  17. pessimistic guy here. don't get me wrong, i like this team in a lot of ways and see us headed the right direction, but just being honest and realistic, it's hard to imagine a winning record with our schedule the rest of the way. i haven't had time to really research it, but it looks like the teams ahead of us have schedules similar or easier and the teams right behind us the same. i may have time to look at the stats more today, but it seems likely to me that we finish right where we are. that's not so bad. hopefully they exceed my expectations and i am a happy camper.
  18. if we win 4 of those 5 i will be ecstatic! if we win 3 i would also be ecstatic!
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