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Everything posted by NCHoosier32

  1. i suppose Purdouche losing that game is bad for us, but i am happy with that.
  2. oh i agree. just not super confident.
  3. still say this one scares me. very tough place to play.
  4. very nice to get the W. like our chances in the next two, but really think they are far from gimmes. M, MSU, and Iowa all have a tough remaining schedule too, but i'm not super confident that even if we go 2-1 that they will lose enough for us to make up a game and a half. hopefully 1 or 2 of them will and we go into the B1G tourney 7th? hated the uniforms. absolutely hated them. oh well. i'm definitely getting old.
  5. it's weird to feel like Scott, but i just look forward to games regardless of ow we are playing. always have. always will. my son has a state playoff game tonight at 630. i'll be home around 815 and will watch it recorded. i do expect a win for once. if we lose this one... hold on tight!
  6. does it make anyone else nervous that Wisconsin only won by 1 at MN?
  7. one thing i'd like to happily admit being wrong about - if Race is gonna shoot two 3s a game and make 1 of them, i'm good with him shooting 3s!
  8. ah. sorry. i thought you meant literally the same roster. quite a few different players, but you're saying the same level of talent.
  9. unfortunately the 3-6 finish i predicted actually looks like a best case scenario. i think we will win those 3, but home vs Rutgers and at MN aren't exactly cake walks.
  10. um... Woodson has the same roster other than XJ, Kopp, Durr, Bates, Duncomb, Stewart... kind of not the same roster, right?
  11. love it. your post that is. we played euchre all through high school and college. double deck bid euchre actually.
  12. i look forward to every IU basketball game. always have always will. i do not think we will win tonight.
  13. on a related note... i definitely may be wrong, but interested what people have to say about this...how often is a guy who gets his first head coaching job at a big program only by his name, but a resume that does not deserve it successful? my memory is horrible and i'm only thinking of a few, but Hardaway, Ewing, Howard, Mullin pop into my mind quickly as not exactly showing they were ready for the job they got.
  14. also take into account that he literally fought through a mob to swing. and again... not even at Gard.
  15. agreed Gard shouldn't have done that, but it isn't a huge deal as opposed to swinging at someone. for the record, i would never tell you to wear a mask though!
  16. so strange to agree with someone with Purdue in their name, but no one is mentioning #1. that is my thought as well. i definitely agree with #2 as well. it just doesn't warrant hitting an assistant coach after busting through a barricade of players.
  17. kind of hard to understand the argument about this situation. not that i am a Wisconsin fan, but what Gard did would have not only not started a fight, it would not even have gotten any attention, and definitely would not warrant disciplinary action. was he wrong? sure. he had no business stopping him. i don't like Howard at all, but he was doing the right thing by trying to avoid confrontation. however, in life, society, whatever, just because someone calls you a name or says something you don't like, if you assault them, you could end up with charges. then put it in a sporting event with 18 year olds and it's worse. let's also not forget that he didn't hit Gard on the spot when he "felt threatened." he didn't even hit Gard. he hit the assistant after he had fought through a barricade of players. isn't all really as simple as that?
  18. Howard should be fired. he thinks he is above the law. never thought he was ready for that job. martelli made him look good for a while.
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