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Everything posted by NCHoosier32

  1. so i got a pleasant surprise and am able to watch instead of watching it recorded. love what i'm seeing!
  2. we could just all agree now that people will be upset with the officiating and people will post a bunch about Coach Shep and just focus on other things?
  3. i don't agree with Coach Shep, but don't really feel the need to jump in with hammering him. it's fine if he has that opinion. early on i probably agreed with him for the most part. XJ has come a long way throughout the season and Shep is too stubborn to change his mind. whatever. i just don't see wasting so many posts worrying about it. i just want a win tomorrow. want no doubt that we are in the big dance. i'm finally watching the 2nd half now, but hate watching when i know the final.
  4. still don't think Howard is a good coach. everything went well for him his first year. martelli, talent, and things falling right. love to see him looking like a moron.
  5. i really want to be drunk before noon tomorrow, but i think my principal would frown on it. i'm gonna avoid game info and watch when i get home around 330 i guess.
  6. nothing wrong with vodka and OJ for an AM game.
  7. crap. i am just starting to read through all of these posts, but we play at 1130am again?
  8. now i'm pissed i didn't record and avoid the final score! i had to go to a meeting and we were down 12. came back to texts from buddies all excited. i saw the 1st half and a little more. i guess TJD got it going? LOL. please tell me this gets us in?
  9. this! we complain about officiating every game. gotta play ball.
  10. absolutely not. unless you're at work? and can't hide it?
  11. got it! thanks so much! or maybe i should be mad bc now i have to watch this?
  12. i know this is a dumb question, but i am so technologically challenged. is there any way i can watch the game on my computer keeping mind that i am a teacher and have many sites blocked? any suggestions?
  13. i usually figure out a way to watch. if not, i always record. pretty sure today i won't be able to watch other than maybe a little. i also don't want to shield my eyes from the score until 330pm, so tough as it is, i will not see much. i'll probably follow the game thread closely. man i want to make the big dance.
  14. thanks man. very happy for him. very proud of him. they won the state in 3A last year and moved up to 4A this year and are currently 29-0. this one will be a tough one though.
  15. common sense makes me say no way we win this one, but common sense also told me no way we'd beat them with TJD in foul trouble all game long and playing 11 minutes the first time around. sadly i will be recording the game. i pretty much base everything around iu/purdue basketball games twice a year, but my son will be playing in the Final Four of the NCHSAA state playoffs. good reason to miss it live i guess.
  16. i appreciate you wanting my opinion, but i really don't pretend to have the answers. my personal opinion is that the same people dominate this board and come off very aggressive that they are always right and everyone else is a fool. i'm not naming any names and i simply choose to not respond to their posts, etc. nothing wrong with that right?
  17. you angry bro? i didn't mention one name and haven't made any of those claims you are directing at me. i'm letting all of the experts on here explain everything.
  18. maybe one where a few specific posters aren't allowed?
  19. i haven't really considered myself apathetic, but i guess i am. i wasn't surprised last night and not as upset as i used to get. as i always say, i pretty much never miss a game and record when needed. that won't change, but man my hope for the season wasn't even that high. just wanted to make the tourney and be around the top 25. when i thought we'd finish 3-6 down the stretch, i actually thought that would get us in, but now we're going to go 2-7? not saying Woodson isn't the guy, and i know he'll get at least 3-4 years, but at the same time i wish i could say i feel good because our coach has a track record of getting teams to the tourney, winning in the tourney, building a college program, something.
  20. i often wish i was always right as well. there are about 4 lucky guys who post on this forum. i must admit i am jealous.
  21. didn't we think that about playing vs Purdouche and the General's return?
  22. good to see Rob back and Geronimo looking so good. if we can beat Rutgers we go 3-6 over that last 9 we were looking at. not great, but puts us in a good position to just win 1 in the B1G tourney and get in. just getting in this year would make me happy! as others have said, i like the idea of JHS, Bates, Galloway, Geronimo next year. of course i'm sure many others will be back that will help a lot too, but i mean the improvement i think we'll see.
  23. totally agree. it's the new fad at all levels so they can set their defense up. to me, it stops positive momentum. i never want to do that. i want to step momentum when it's going the wrong way.
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