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Everything posted by NCHoosier32

  1. see i agree with this in a way. i would bet any amount of money Thompson will be in there, but my point is that if JHS, Bates, and JG are all good enough to start...we would be REALLY good! i certainly wouldn't bet on it. i personally really don't want Kopp to start, but i get that it is fairly likely.
  2. i hear ya, but stud freshmen do start fairly often in MBB. i look at his skill set and a college ready body and then think about the fact that the upper classmen he is competing with are simply not all that talented. i just think that what we were missing was guys who could make plays on the wing and score in multiple ways. JHS and Bates can do that. surely no one will argue that XJ, Thompson, and TJD will start. i admit, it's hard to believe Kopp won't start. i just hope he doesn't. still if those 4 start, i'd be surprised if JHS isn't the other.
  3. i sure hope not. i get that this is a possibility, but i can't imagine JHS not starting. if our only starting lineup change is Galloway for Stewart, i'll be disappointed in JHS and Bates and still worried about our talent level.
  4. i'll go back to saying - i'll be pretty excited if we start XJ, JHS, Bates, Thompson, TJD. that is our best 3 players returning and two upgrades.
  5. am i missing where we are discussing Reneau? i for one am very excited that he is currently on campus.
  6. i could definitely see you being right, but i think i'll have a lot higher expectations if Bates and JHS are good enough to push him out of the starting lineup. i, for one was hopeful and excited about Kopp, but will admit that i think he hurt us last season. if he is a superstar this year, i'll be ecstatic, but will still admit that i was wrong and not claim i was in his corner!
  7. i know TIC, but i'm saying no Stewart or Kopp. i know. i know. Kopp will likely start, but if Bates and JHS are good enough to start, that's my point. XJ, JHS, and Bates could provide 3 scorers who have the ability to make plays and also shoot.
  8. i will be pretty excited if we roll into the season with a lineup of XJ, JHS, Bates, Thompson, TJD.
  9. dead serious - i'm not sure which one is which.
  10. amen brutha. tough when they dominate the board.
  11. so hard to find yourself agreeing with either of them isn't it?
  12. Scott vs. Btown QB! Clash of the Titans. No way someone can be wrong in this debate!
  13. oh wow. if i watched the NBA that would be quite the show to watch! scares me that Michigan might get a better coach though.
  14. well, i guess XJ,JHS, Bates, JG, Race?
  15. although i would be concerned about Geronimo, I'd be pretty stoked with a lineup of XJ, JHS, Bates, Race, TJD. personally i disagree with the majority on XJ. i do think he should be gone, but if he's here, he is clearly starting. if Bates is good enough to start over Galloway, that is going to be a good thing. of course remains to be seen. JHS is a starter. that lineup is a top 25 team and a solid seed in the tourney.
  16. having TJD or not is obviously the big question. obviously many teams have similar situations at this point. that said, if he is back, we really should be a top 25 team, decent seed in NCAA and top 3-5 in B1G.
  17. i'm kind of surprised we're actually debating if we want TJD to stay or leave. uh, my vote is that we'd be MUCH better with him, so i hope he stays.
  18. hadn't seen you beat me to it. i would wear that proudly.
  19. i'm not at all saying the sky is falling or that this is on Woodson. i'm just saying the fact that Matta left isn't a good thing. good for Matta and understandable, just not good for IU. Fife not working out for whatever reason is not good for IU. XJ getting arrested is not good for IU. hoping for some good news soon! Reneau?
  20. totally disagree. society today is that it is never my fault. blame it on everyone else.
  21. still not getting that people don't think going 90 in a 45 and then trying to resist arrest isn't a big deal. or that doing it after the Chicago incident doesn't matter.
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