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Everything posted by NCHoosier32

  1. love it. we would just skip that very inconvenient class.
  2. So... I know this won't go over well, but thought I would share - heard from a very good source that TJD is coming back. I know it won't go over well because I can't reveal the source. Pretty cool connection that I didn't expect. It's fine if you question my source and whatever. Just thought I would pass along anyway.
  3. maybe change the title of this thread? i keep checking it out thinking something interesting happened with the transfer portal.
  4. not sure why this thread has gone to debating the NBA AGAIN. just for fun, i'll say again that i'd watch almost anything other than the NBA on TV and sit back and watch all of my favorite people who wait to jump on anything i say to tell me how great it is...
  5. big Hulls fan, but... just to get people after me... why is this a great hire? director of recruiting needs to be very dynamic or really cool right? are the kind of recruits we want going to think he is cool or be impressed by Jordan Hulls?
  6. 18th and 2nd in the B1G seems fair to me if TJD is back. honestly i think 18 is a little low if we are 2nd in the B1G.
  7. i mean okay. why would i make this up? it's not even huge news. just thought i'd share a tidbit from an unexpected encounter with a close source. no biggie.
  8. also, i'm not saying at all that i'm not excited about TJD coming back! i am very excited and think he will help us to easily our best season in a long time. just passing on what i thought was interesting info from a very informed source.
  9. also, to be clear, my source was not saying TJD was a bad kid or trouble maker. just that he didn't set a great example.
  10. same. it does make things tough if your best guy isn't a hard worker though.
  11. heard something very surprising from a very good source Friday. said TJD does not set a good example of work ethic. want to say that i am a big TJD fan. this person said that someone very close to the program said his example in practice under CAM hurt the team. don't know if that is still true under Woodson.
  12. i'm afraid i could be with you. that would leave only the Cubs for me. i pretty much only watch ND football, IU bball, and Cubs game these days.
  13. i'm just hoping for another colossal battle between Scott and Btownqb. maybe like 30 straight posts between the two arguing who will get more minutes between Galloway and Banks? and... go!
  14. 1 TJD 2 XJ 3 JHS 4 Thompson 5 Bates 6 Reneau 7 Geronimo 8 Galloway 9 Kopp 10 Banks 11 Leal 12 Duncomb 13 Gunn
  15. so i know you like to comment on every post, but are you saying that he'll be better than the 11th man? are you saying he'll get more than 7.2mpg? enlighten me with your brilliance please.
  16. i hope so, but it's hard to imagine him playing over at least 10 of our guys. how much can he show if he is the 11th man? the 11th man only played in 17 games last season.
  17. i don't mean to alarm you, but i think the portal is closing soon. do you have anything you need to announce?
  18. At risk of making this a Purdue board again... I keep thinking about making an inappropriate comment about Swanigan. Is he in jail?
  19. totally agree. Trayce will be one of the best players in the nation. Race will be in his 6th year after averaging 11.1ppg and 7.5rpg. XJ would return as the starting PG who averaged 12.1 ppg. we add two 5 star freshmen. both of our wing positions will be better. a lot of guys will be in their 2nd season in this system. we should absolutely be top 15. top 3 in conference.
  20. i mean in a way you're right about me. unfortunately i always worry about something. BUT... i definitely don't think Trayce would be concerned. if he comes back he will start every game and play huge minutes. i'm just saying that i can't imagine Race not starting since he was our 3rd leading scorer and 2nd leading rebounder and he's in his 6th year. they played 32.2 mpg and 28.6mpg this season. that leaves our 5 star freshman getting every minute either of them are out which is 19.2mpg. honestly i don't think that's enough, but it also leaves 0 mpg for JG. i mean if you divide those 80 minutes evenly between the 4 of them it would be 20mpg. you'd cut TJD's minutes by 12.2 and Thompson's by 8.6. clearly that's not gonna happen. anyway, i would love to have the current roster. i think we'd be loaded and easily a top 15team. just hard to believe we'll have the 4 of them.
  21. back to Negative Nancy here. i am very happy JG is returning, but it makes me that much more skeptical that TJD would come back. really hard to believe that the players and staff think there would be enough minutes to keep JG, TJD, Malik, and Race happy. maybe JG can prove us wrong and play the 3.
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