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Everything posted by NCHoosier32

  1. i like this a lot! especially when that includes your best 3 players. still think we'll be greatly improved in the other 2 positions too.
  2. i feel like the majority on here disagreed with me when i said the way he reacted after the suspension he should be done. i stand by that. it was such an obvious sign.
  3. i'll tell ya, i find myself thinking about Reneau this morning. i don't think there's any way he starts and it's hard to see Race or Trayce playing less minutes than last season, but i'm assuming Malik is gonna be a stud sooner than later. that is exciting.
  4. Exactly the situation my son was in. 2nd team all district. 2x state champs. They finished undefeated two years in a row (49-0). 41% 3 point shooter with 186 made in 3 years. 4.4 GPA. 1320 SAT. He had D3 or walk on at D1. Personally, I would have to play! I'd go to D3 and tear it up! He's wired differently. I hope he is happy! Sorry to derail the thread - I still say Yogi and Cody with an honorable mention to Daniel Moore.
  5. Thanks for asking. He is going to Presbyterian College in SC. Small D1 school in the Big South conference. I think a great fit for him. Personally I could never be a walk on when I could go to a lower division and play, but he wants the year round training and to see the inner workings of a D1 program to prepare him for a coaching career.
  6. i know this always comes up. very common comment when talking about starters. the thing for me is that there is little doubt my answer would be the same whether starters or finishers. now, without a doubt i we have a particular starter that is having a very bad game and a bench guy playing really well, sure swap them out. i still like my 5 best players starting unless there is a real chemistry problem or positional problem. i hate Purdouche more than anyone now that HTD is no longer with us, but i think Painter is a very good coach. that said, it's very hard for me to understand Edey and Williams never seeing the floor together and each only playing half the game.
  7. this is the way i keep looking at it - if we have Kopp and say, Galloway starting it's hard for me to see a big difference in the team from last year. if Bates and JHS are good enough to start, that means Bates has progressed and JHS is the real deal and they have unseated Kopp even though he has seniority. that would give us 3 guards on the floor that can get their own shot, drive, and shoot the 3 at least pretty well. huge difference there.
  8. Hey! I actually had not. Thanks for asking. He is going to Presbyterian College in SC. Small D1 school in the Big South conference. I think a great fit for him. Personally I could never be a walk on when I could go to a lower division and play, but he wants the year round training and to see the inner workings of a D1 program to prepare him for a coaching career.
  9. Thanks sir. Has worked his butt off to get there and gonna be a grind being a walk on, but I wouldn't count him out for earning some minutes at some point in his career.
  10. Now that my son is going to be a D1 walk on, I'm saying Daniel Moore and Matt Roth. Nah, on a serious note, I'd have to say Yogi and Cody.
  11. also guessing he is way underqualified and would be a terrible head coach in the NBA.
  12. actually, love it, but i think if for some reason Race doesn't start, Reneau might be that guy. Race will start though.
  13. dang! if he only plays 10-15 mpg i will be very disappointed. not used to being the optimistic guy! this is an honest question, but in the modern college bball world don't guys in the top 22 usually have a bigger role than that from day 1? 5-7 minutes a half?
  14. totally with you on JG and Bates. Bates has a lot of ability and don't forget he was highly ranked coming out of HS. JG is all athletic ability and potential, so we'll see. never in the history of IU bball has a recruit ranked as highly as JHS not started. i hope this isn't the first time!
  15. a lot of interesting perspectives. would be shocked and concerned if Kopp and Galloway both start. just because i'm counting on JHS being that good and Bates making that big of a jump. very hard to believe that coaches today don't start the best players from day 1 if they are the best players. as much as i love and miss good old school basketball, that's just an old way of thinking. if Kopp and Galloway are 2 of our best 5 players, my expectations will be lowered. now, if they aren't 2 of our best 5, but still start, i guess we could be okay, but still seems rare to have 2 of your best guys not starting.
  16. Oh, and another poster made the point earlier that no one has ever come to IU ranked as highly as JHS or Reneau and not started as a freshman. I think that streak will end, but only with one.
  17. I know some don't like this, but it is a discussion board right? I know there will be the "who cares who starts? It's who finishes who matters" people. Also the "I think lineups in the beginning of the year will be..., but then it will change" people. I assume we can all agree that XJ, Race, and TJD will start? So the real discussion is JHS? Bates? Kopp? JG? Reneau? Anyone else? I would be willing to bet on JHS. I can't imagine how we could play Reneau with Race and TJD. I have a hard time seeing JG as the starting 3. Really hoping he can improve to where he at least plays some there, but hard to see him as a starter there. I'm really hoping and expecting a big jump from Bates. Lastly I must admit that I could definitely see Kopp starting, but pray that won't be the case. I'm hoping for XJ, JHS, Bates, Thompson, TJD. I do think we have much better depth this season with wanting to see good minutes for Reneau, Geronimo, Galloway, Kopp, and even Leal. Of course I would prefer the last 2 get much fewer minutes than the others.
  18. with TJD now officially back, hard to understand why we shouldn't have very high expectations. i go back to the hope that Bates and JHS will be our starting wings along with XJ, Race, and TJD. seems like a big upgrade. my son trains with the same trainer that JHS does. he was telling them that Woodson told him he wants him to work on being more of a scorer.
  19. really like announcing it like that and it makes me very excited for next season!
  20. this and also getting lost. apparently in my dreams it is pre-cell phones, etc. i am trying to find a class and then give up and decide to not attend all semester until exams are upon me and then i'm screwed.
  21. 100% I have had that dream so many times. Terrible feeling because it seems so real.
  22. i like your priorities. i got stuck with a 8am on Fridays once and quickly figured out that would not be okay.
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