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Everything posted by NCHoosier32

  1. i couldn't watch the game, but i think it is all right to question coaches. i would also wonder why TJD would be out for over ten minutes.
  2. oh, i don't mind saying. i didn't think people cared. TJD was our best player in that game, so to me that is who the mvp is. some people feel that the person who has the biggest surprise performance is the mvp or someone who hit a couple shots in a row, but i keep it simple. most valuable player should be the guy who does the most in my book.
  3. see, i think things like that are a big deal, but most people jump on me if i criticize a player for doing that.
  4. - Favorite Player - Steve Alford - Favorite Game Attended - probably the Final Four game in 2002 at the Georgia Dome - Favorite Family Memory - all of the kids running down the hall of the hotel and jumping in the pool with our clothes on after winning the 1987 championship... honorable mention to getting mad at my Mom (who passed away when I was 14) because she would get nervous down the stretch of a close game and leave the room because she couldn't take it!
  5. i am really excited about Reneau, but also interested to see him play vs legit teams. honestly the guys he played against in the exhibitions probably weren't a whole lot better than some of the teams he played against in HS because of the program he played with right?
  6. really? i loved Edwards and he was something else to watch, but seems like a totally different player to me. when i think back to Edwards i think deadly shooter and scorer, but not a lead guard type. JHS seems more of a playmaker/lead guard and solid shooter, but not his #1 attribute.
  7. obviously i'm really excited about the season. don't know why anyone wouldn't be. of course i am guarded because i am scarred for like as a Cubs fan. can't ask for much more from the exhibitions, but also hard to take too much from the inferior opponents. hard to imagine that Reneau can do that again legit big men, but it is super encouraging to think of him being in any time Race or TJD are out and also getting significant minutes vs. back up posts. as noted before - i am not surprised by JHS in the least. i was hoping so much that Bates would win Kopp's spot, but at the same time, we need a player like Kopp with this group if he can do his job as a shooter better this year than last. i too love our depth, but admittedly, i still live in the old school of basketball and hope that A. we don't play more than 8-9 guys significant minutes in big, close games. we should have plenty of not so close games and mop up minutes to get other guys experience and B. really wish we would sit guys when they are making consistently bad decisions or having really poor games. i know that's not how basketball is anymore, but i don't mean bury them on the bench. just wish coaches were still allowed to pull a guy out for a few minutes to send a message and reward another guy off the bench. the idea that you can't do that because it will hurt guys' confidence and you can only sub by a made up sub pattern will never make sense to me. oh well, what i really meant to say was Go Hoosiers!
  8. personally i think it would be a more accurate reflection if it was done for both wins and losses.
  9. how do you pronounce Reneau? i thought Ren - oh... they are saying Ren - ewe?
  10. Bates and TJD dressed out. Banks is not.
  11. there are people on this board that cannot even consider there could be other reasonable opinions out there, so i try not to engage much anymore, but... just my opinion - if a coach kicked a player off the team for going 40 mph over the speed limit and resisting arrest, i would not be turned off as a parent of a recruit. i would be impressed that the staff is careful about their culture and like the idea that my son would likely have teammates that were really good people. that may sound crazy to others, but my opinion.
  12. we really played 9-10 guys in close games last year. yesterday was an exhibition and it was vs. Marian. as far as playing time and roles go, when you add TJD and Bates to the mix, it just becomes a numbers game. as much as i don't think Kopp should start or get starter minutes, it looks like for now it will be what most of us expected: 1 XJ 2 JHS 3 Kopp 4 Thompson 5 TJD... then we all saw quickly that (6) Reneau will need all of the minutes available when Race or Trayce are out right? (7) Bates seems very likely to be the first guard sub right? so we really don't have any minutes at all for Duncomb seeing that (8) Geronimo would surely play ahead of him. then you have (9) Galloway. seems like no room for Banks or Leal, so Gunn has a shot at being (10) who would play very limited minutes in close games. of course injuries and suspensions seem to happen, so it is nice to have Leal, Banks, and Duncomb as the bottom 3. not too shabby. still concerned about 3 point shooting, but very excited to start a season with a 13 by our name!
  13. still shocked that there were actually people who thought JHS wouldn't start just because he is a freshman.
  14. hard to get too much out of an exhibition vs. Marian, but it is still exciting! missing our all-american and our first guard off the bench too. still seems tough to get enough PT for Race, TJD, and Reneau. good problem to have though!
  15. man i hope Bates has a breakout season!
  16. i know many have said they don't care about us being ranked or whatever, but it sure is nice to see a # by our name.
  17. i'm a little confused. did i say something about a coach not knowing anything?
  18. I absolutely love this post and is exactly how I feel/felt.
  19. okay... small thing, but i just saw a team pic on Twitter that had Coach Woodson, but no assistant coaches in the picture. kind of bothers me.
  20. Definitely excited to have a number by our name. Definitely makes sense with all we have coming back, an All American caliber player, a two freshman in the nation, and a coach who has had time to get his system in. Now... can we shoot? And I'm still hoping Bates is that 5th starter!
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