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Everything posted by NCHoosier32

  1. so... i think most of you know that i have a hard time with people blaming the officials every single game, but... wow! the foul calls at home!? i even agree that this has been terrible. just loses a little value for those who complain literally every game.
  2. i'm sure someone here will give you the answer, but the best i can do is that my son played at UNCC at it was 90 minutes before game time. i also found that it was 90 minutes before game time at Ohio St.
  3. the polls clearly focus way more on who you have beaten than your record. not saying right or wrong, but it seems way more focused on that than college basketball used to. probably more accurate and more legit i guess. man we need to win this tonight.
  4. i'd cheer for literally anyone over Purdouche. Duke, Gonzaga, KY, the Cowboys, the Cardinals, the Red Sox, LeBron James, the Taliban, Russia...
  5. i don't know about that, but don't call me Shirley
  6. please tell me Purdouche doesn't jump ahead of us in tomorrow's poll?
  7. i really like our chances in this one. will be a really nice win if we get it.
  8. i love coming to this board to see 2 guys whom i respect so much argue on and on and on and on...
  9. interested to see Gonzaga vs. Xavier tomorrow
  10. whew. i thought someone had an STD.
  11. i absolutely love that Houston, TX, and VA are the only 3 teams ahead of us without a loss already. we just need to prove it vs. NC Weds and we get some attention!
  12. i solute you sir. right now i am envisioning you as James Reece or Jack Reacher or Mitch Rapp.
  13. I LOVE THIS POST. (never seen a flying nutsack though)
  14. true, but we have to see how some of these guys look vs B1G competition. also playing devil's advocate, i would argue that i'd rather have TJD, XJ, JHS, Race, and Malik a little tired than any of our other guys fresh. Bates and Geronimo may prove me wrong though!
  15. no, i gotcha. i'll be devastated for a few days if that happens as i have a ton of UNC fans to deal with. i won't think all is lost though. they are #1 after all. i personally don't think they're the best team in the nation, but they are good. i just like the idea of being in the top 10. i think we could be a top 10 caliber. if we lose, we'll get the chance to show what we are made of again vs Kansas and AZ.
  16. Dear Scott - I do my best not to engage with you. Please show me where I said I don't see any difference from last year. I simply said we haven't proven anything yet because we haven't played anyone yet. I also respectfully disagree that it matters if you beat bad teams by 20.2 or 29.5. Sincerely, NCHoosier
  17. what difference does it make if we beat bad teams by 20.2 or 29.5? i definitely like this year's roster much better. i think it's gonna be a great season! just ready to see it against the big dawgs. ready for Weds.! i'll be up waaaaaaaaay past my bedtime.
  18. sure would make me feel better if Xavier could pull it off at home vs. Duke. only down by 6 at half is a good sign. i'm also not saying Xavier is terrible, or not a potential top 25 team, or not a tourney team. just not a top 15 team. pretty good team. i think we said something similar about St. John's last season.
  19. agreed. i was very happy with that. also, i know we have plenty of tests coming up. at the same time, #30 isn't the same as top 10 that the other guys have played. that's all i'm saying. that said, i think we'll beat NC. just ready to see it! then i will be really excited about this team!
  20. i mean, i think so? i'm just not 100% sold because we are looking good beating bad teams. like i keep saying, i'm excited about the season for sure. i am just reluctant to make a big deal of anything until we play a ranked team. i always watch the entirety off all of the games, but i have been bored the last few. all of the teams ahead of us have played one of the other top dawgs other than NC.
  21. i'm really excited for UNC, but until then, remember we did start 6-0 last season before we played anyone ranked.
  22. eh. they're okay. not a top 25 team while everyone ahead of us have played other top 10 teams.
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