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Everything posted by NCHoosier32

  1. i feel like i need to say giggity.
  2. looks like you were correct sir! we are still at 14. good to see!
  3. okay. kind of doubt that the voters are going to note us beating Nebraska at home with them missing one of their best players, but maybe. more importantly we lost and a lot of good teams behind us won. i'm just saying we drop from 14 to about 17, 18, 19, but maybe you're right.
  4. still struggling with calling Xavier a marquee win
  5. the goal tend and the flop were definitely both ridiculous calls. we did a lot of other things to lose that game though.
  6. i'm guessing around 19 in the AP? would be nice to see MN upset Miss St. never know at the Barn. maybe if MD or TN blows the other one out, we climb a spot there? so possibly 18 or 17?
  7. i'm glad Hoosier Til Death doesn't have to see this.
  8. so in the middle of the dessert? i really liked it out there personally. unfortunately my brother and other roommate did not.
  9. what are the 4 marquee games? NC, AZ, Kansas...
  10. i nominate Bates for the player who pleasantly surprised us the most. Race and XJ were the two most valuable (most important).
  11. i do have to say that i didn't see it coming at all the Purdouche would be ranked higher than us this year. i thought that was finally over. makes me nauseas.
  12. i got you. sincerely apologize. somehow i managed to completely forget about that. when i am in the stands at our high school games or travel ball games and hear parents calling teams cheaters, it just always gets me. i mean 99% of the time the officials aren't biased, they are just bad. 100% of the time, the team getting the calls have nothing to do with what the officials are calling. i thought that was what you were saying. my bad.
  13. okay. i mean i get it. they're certainly not bad teams. just saying they aren't currently ranked and we haven't done as much as top 15 teams have to be where they are. i got my hopes up that we were a legit top 10 team. not saying that we can't still be, but i want to see it so bad!
  14. definitely not being all Doomsday over here. just bummed that we didn't have our full arsenal in this one. AZ made big shots. they are a very good team. i just want to win games like this. to me, we have a decent road win against an unranked team, and a nice home win against a team who is now unranked. really hoping JHS is back to where he was against Kansas and we get that signature win. if not, i get that conference is the most important thing, but i'm curious to see if we can win conference games on the road.
  15. that's the thing. we obviously miss JHS in the lineup, and it has been nice seeing good signs from TG and TB, but we need that off the bench. a healthy JHS will put us closer to the goals that we want for this team. let's just hope that is soon.
  16. do we have a theory that AZ paid off the officials?
  17. Bates could be absolutely huge for us. JHS already is huge for us. any given game he is our 2nd or 3rd most important player. hard to take that guy from any team and think they'll beat a top 10 team. just stinks. silver lining is if Bates and Galloway can play at their best level and we get JHS back, that's solid. i just want to see us winning enough to stay highly ranked and winning conference games, so i hope it all comes together soon!
  18. Race. as bad as XJ looked early, when you look at his stats, he's absolutely a close 2nd.
  19. we also shot horribly and turned the ball over way too much, and didn't rebound. right? also when some people compain every game about the officiating, it's kind of like the little boy who cried wolf.
  20. just want to throw out there that is it really okay for all of you guys to verbally attach Coach Shep just because you don't agree? i mean i generally don't agree with him either, but i don't know that it warrants attacking him all of the time? don't think that is tolerated for anyone else, right?
  21. thank you. good to confirm that we are going to blame the officials again!
  22. still a rookie move. can't have to leave during the game!
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