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Everything posted by NCHoosier32

  1. LOL. I must admit that I never dreamed saying, "dang. we do stink." would bring on this much dialogue and debate. Good stuff.
  2. Definitely a big difference in game planning between HS girls and college men, but I always liked to spend a lot of time on MM offense, principles, etc. and also work on one half court zone to be good at. Always liked for MM to be our primary D, but in HS, you never know what your personnel will be year to year since you can't recruit (legally). For that reason, every once in a while I had a team that played our zone better. Regardless we would scout teams and decide if we thought they played better vs MM or zone and somewhat base our gameplan on that. Of course college men can shoot it a lot better and move the ball with much more ease, so not sure how well that works at that level. I was as happy as the next guy to see Banks and Walker show promise. I'm not convinced either address any of our problems other than making us feel better about depth though. I think offense is awful rough any time you have 3 of Walker, Banks, Reneau, Ware, and Sparks in at the same time.
  3. see this is what i was going to say. i do give kudos to Woodson for listening to suggestions and making a change. i don't mind seeing us play more zone, ut i sure hope we practice it a lot if we do. we are long enough, but that was not a good team or a well coached team we just beat.
  4. same. that's the one nice thing about expecting the worst. it's good when you are wrong! that said, this win doesn't make me feel all that more optimistic. hoping i will be wrong!
  5. gotta admit Fouls - i have probably said one or both. i don't think i'm a troll, but maybe i am? i do kind of think that is my opinion if i say that though. maybe not a popular one, but if i say we suck, isn't that just like my opinion? i don't really think we suck though. i think we're average.
  6. i'm just happy we won. i think you have to remember that Louisville isn't good and that we were supposed to win that game though. really not much from that game that gives me more confidence going forward. starters didn't look good. it is encouraging to get bench contributions, but we are going to play a lot of teams that are a lot better than Louisville. i stay with what i have been saying - i like the talent on this team. although i do think it is a poorly put together roster and question if Woodson is the guy - i hope we just keep getting better and better. quickly!
  7. Walker, Ware, or XJ. I went against my norm and gave the nod to Walker.
  8. i don't care what everyone says, you're okay with me.
  9. we are definitely long enough. Scott made the call!
  10. so i guess you come back out with the starters and ready to pull whoever early if they aren't getting it done?
  12. stronger? like better? tougher? i just don't think he is the guy.
  13. absolutely unacceptable to leave it open
  14. OMG. what an unbelievable debacle to end the half.
  15. BTW - good to see Zags up 6 on Purdouche
  16. it is kinda weird. i don't think it is nearly as bad or lopsided as yesterday though. it gets old when people complain every game about it. it's like the little boy who cried wolf. when they are really bad it doesn't mean as much because everyone complains every game.
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