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Everything posted by NCHoosier32

  1. took 5 days off drinking. wasn't brave enough to go into this game sober. got the bourbon flowing and ready to go! is Walker really starting?
  2. man, i never realized how much i agreed with your posts until the last few days. i have pretty much agreed with everything you have posted for quite a while now. not sure that's a good thing for you!
  3. that's what you want or that is the lineup?
  4. seriously? so it was Ware who decided he should sit?
  5. so... i agree that it is tricky with the coaching carousel problem. don't want to mess up again, so get Pearl or Beard. i personally don't give him any more credit than being a little better than CAM though. if we're okay with that, then i agree. i think it is safe to say he isn't the guy to get us over the HUMP though. if we were happy about being pretty good, we should have stuck with Crean. as of now, Woodson is a step down from that. i am unwilling to say Woodson has proven ANYTHING. drawing up great plays and making halftime adjustments? okay. just don't see him leading us to where we want to be, so i actually see it as a risk to just keep him and remain in purgatory when it seems clear he isn't the answer.
  6. ugh. me too. long week. hate to be the grammar police, but isn't it worn out? JK - gonna get crushed today.
  7. playing semantics a little here- needs at least another year? deserves another year? i don't know. personally i don't think he is the guy to get us where we want to be as a program, so what good is one more year going to do anyone? that's just my opinion though. why do you think he needs at least another year? like he'll show us that he is the guy next year? or he just doesn't deserve to be fired yet? just curious. i think he'll definitely be back next year and we'll be even worse than this year.
  8. i'm not sure anyone can really argue with that.
  9. i got it on good authority that Coach Woodson is working on that very thing. actually saw a picture of the journey.
  10. yeah. i think he can only afford to recruit the very high level high school players at this point and focus on portal and top HS guys. most D1s don't recruit a ton of HS kids very hard anymore. of course top 100 guys, but it's a tough world for a HS kid not in the top 100-150.
  11. wait. now i'm confused. i was thinking we were talking about Gunn and the Wisconsin kid.
  12. i'm asking why? what would the justification be?
  13. so there's no way you could have ejected the Rutgers player. i think if the official say it, he should have stepped in and told him to break it up, but isn't that about all that could have been done?
  14. maybe Woodson literally pushing the players in a wheel barrow or something like that over it?
  15. if i have any concerns i am letting you know and would like for you to email Dolson.
  16. it's so tricky these days! i can't imagine not wanting some one and done's, but you have to have the right guys around them and mid tier guys who will stay and develop as well. i am genuinely curious if people think they'd be more optimistic if Woodson had guys with less stars though. i can't imagine that would be the case, right?
  17. honestly i agree. i don't think this is a particularly bad group of kids. i'm not even totally convinced X is a bad kid. i just think the consequences haven't been enough to set the tone. that's tough to do in today's culture without losing kids. i get it. at the same time, there just doesn't seem to be accountability on this team. if kids don't havr that, they are gonna make bad decisions.
  18. i don't disagree with you. i'm not super concerned with getting Indiana kids, but see where you're coming from. more important than Indiana kids though are the type of kids and right fit. i mentioned this before though...who on here is confident that Woodson would mold a top team out of lesser talent than what we currently have? people like to say stars don't matter, etc. okay, but would Woodson take a bunch of 3 star and some 4 star kids like Painter and make them tough, play great defense, rebound exceptionally, play smart, unselfish, etc.? as much as i hate Purdue, doesn't Painter do that every year?
  19. this is what i said. even Crean you knew we'd be flashy on offense. play uptempo, etc. we have no identity.
  20. you and i agree on this. i'm still not willing to give him a ton of credit for developing the bigs either. Ware is allowed to play through his lazy games and consistently get the ball more regardless. he is still not consistent with his effort. i like him. like to watch him and glad we have him. still feel like TJD and Reneau made expected improvements year to year.
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