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Everything posted by Reacher

  1. Does anyone know if he is still growing/ expected to grow further? I see him listed as a center but also at 6'8". Be nice to grow anouther couple inches if he is going to be our main interion option after Race graduates.
  2. I think there is more we don't know. One of my clients mentioned 50,000+ die of the flu every year just in the US so why all the concern over something much less impactful? They are quarantining tens of millions in China. This is effecting consumption (less oil being consumed for example and therefore we have seen the price of oil drop) and also production. Factories are not running or are at reduced capacity. Hence less iPhones being made, then less to be sold. I think the real issue will be whether we see mandatory quarantines here in big cities in the US. Market hates unknowns and right now, this is a major unknown.
  3. We have seen the effect its had on the market. Director of the CDC said it is certain to spread here. President commenting on it. Is it no big deal like the flu or a bio weapon that got out of hand? Are you personally concerned? Going to take any steps to prepare? Here is one investment firms take on it- ClearBridge: Assessing Coronavirus Tail Risk Scenarios.
  4. 209 MPH wind gust! https://www.foxnews.com/science/wind-gust-of-209-mph-atop-california-mountain-may-have-set-record
  5. We need bigs in this class and I think Logan would be a good fit. Would love for him to commit to us early and start the dominoes falling.
  6. Good times. I took my kids to fireworks in Elburn because they were on the Sunday night a few days away from the 4th to get a cheaper show. Kids loved a second fireworks show. They have a massive sports complex over there (Montgomery) now thats pretty cool. Kids come from all over the midwest for soccer tournaments and such. Not sure if it was open when you were there. Lived there from about 2000-2008 IIRC so I would have overlapped with you. To bad we never met up to watch some IU games!
  7. Small world. I used tolive in Sugar Grove and my neighbor raved about that place. I never made it there.
  8. Been following this story for awhile. Saw this- Apparently up to 85% are set by humans! Animal situation getting much worse. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-09-22/bushfire-arson-warning-ahead-of-school-holidays/11528192 Hundreds have arrested.
  9. All this with 40 days until the official start of winter! I left FL this am where it wa 85 and sunny yesterday to return to 8 degrees in Chicago. Something wrong with me.
  10. HH- have any first hand stories? https://weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/2019-09-17-tropical-storm-imelda-texas-coast-houston-flood-forecast
  11. I have a German Shepherd. Reading through some of these posts, thought I'd share a little bit about my last one- Blitz. He had cancer at age 8 or so. Went the chemo route and probably bought him an extra 6 months. As he still suffered, probably wouldn't do that again. It was $$$ and more a benefit to the humans than the dog. We took him on a long weekend trip up the coast of MI to Traverse city and back stopping at all the dog friendly beaches so he could splash in Lake MI and staying at a dog friendly hotels. Provided some nice last memories of our loyal companion. He was cremated and his ashes spread out in the woods at our summer cottage in MI where he loved to run about off leash and play in the water. Our current GS was adoted a few months after his passing.
  12. I think the possibility of Cross committing sped up the time line for Geronimo. Kudos to him for seizing the opportunity.
  13. Why ruin the good talk about Geronimo by bringing up Dakich?
  14. Realized I never replied in this thread. I like Will Robie as well and pretty much any other type of action/ spy/ CIA type thrillers. Just so happened to be reading the Lee Child Reacher series when I needed a name for HSN. Other than that, I like military history and specifically the Pacific side of WWII and Afghanistan.
  15. ^^^ Thats a weather story. Sounds like a scene from a movie.
  16. I think I fell for some fake news. "As of August 16, 2019, an analysis of NASA satellite data indicated that total fire activity across the Amazon basin this year has been close to the average in comparison to the past 15 years." https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/145464/fires-in-brazil "Most of the fires are burning on agricultural land where the forest has already been cleared." https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/08/24/world/americas/amazon-rain-forest-fire-maps.html?smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur
  17. I hope you were not on the water. Those lakes can get rough. I've had to put up sandbags for flooding (thankfully stopped just before my house), and seen a couple of tornadoes.
  18. More extreme weather news- https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/21/americas/amazon-rainforest-fire-intl-hnk-trnd/index.html
  19. I think that is the winter I was referring to. I remember driving on I294 late in the day and was shocked at the lack of traffic. The heater in my car was not strong enough to defrost my rear windshield. Chicago also had record cold this summer but doubt many noticed- https://chicago.curbed.com/2019/6/19/18691540/chicago-weather-summer-rain-cold
  20. I'd like to keep this post for weather news and updates. Not to get off topic, or political, I get what you are saying about the weathe extremes but have to wonder if that is just because of more of a focus by the media. Personally, I remember the blizzards of 67, 77/78, summer temps over 100, cold snap of 30? below around 1990 all in the Chgo area- all happening 30+ years ago. Logic would say those should be more common now. We have a "polar vortex" with temps 0-10 below and it is national news now. I saw a great article not too long ago on the topic that researched this. Can't locate it now but did find this- https://www.longdom.org/open-access/trends-in-extreme-weather-events-since-1900--an-enduring-conundrum-for-wise-policy-advice-2167-0587-1000155.pdf Still not the article I had in mind but this one has some nice graphs on the historical frequency of some weather events-https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/despite-what-youve-heard-global-warming-isnt-making-weather-more-extreme/ and this one is recent referring specifically to heat waves- https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-blogs/realimpactofweatherwithdrjoelnmyers/throwing-cold-water-on-extreme-heat-hype/70008963
  21. Would not have posted here except this hit near Billingsly. https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Montana-hailstorm-slaughters-11-000-birds-14366687.php Who else here is fascinated by weather events? I, for one, take interest in the big snowstorms, tornados, hurricanes, floods, etc.
  22. Seeing as you have Pizza and BBQ covered, and the kids may not appreciate Goose Island, you could try http://www.superdawg.com/. Not too far from O'Hare if you are flying in. Something quick and cheaper for a lunch.
  23. I prefer Giordanos, Ginos East and Lou Malnatis in that order. Years ago, my office was across the street from a Home Run Inn and we would hit up their lunch buffet. My kids like Home Run Inn more than I do. Beggars is a good one too. Mile, have we got your mouth watering yet?
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