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Everything posted by Reacher

  1. The small business owner is critical to the economy. They, and their employees, will be hit hard. Especially those in food, retail, hospitality, tourism, and energy related fields. Do your best to support your local businesses. The big chains will make it out ok.
  2. Thanks for the follow up. It kind of raises more questions then it answers. I only referenced the one point. Would be nice of them to point to what they are now saying is erroneous.
  3. Goldman Sachs is saying 50% of the US population (and 70% in Germany) may get this and it should peak within 8 weeks. No doubt its getting worse before it gets better.
  4. I believe all IL schools are closed and no church for all of my diocese. As for MDW, i remember for my first flight in and out of there. Leaving, the plane backed up to the fence to utilize all of the runway. Returning, they have to really lay on the brakes to slow it down and the plane shudders. If you can take that, I've found MDW to be very reliable in getting planes in and out- even in bad weather. Much easier getting in and out as @5fouls mentioned and no waiting for 15 minutes or more taxing around the airport like at O'Hare. As for a third airport, The St of IL has begun plans and bought a lot of land near Peotone. Since the St has no $, hard to say is, or when, it will get built. Many people I know on the North side of the city actually prefer to go to Milwaukee instead.
  5. Totally agree. I avoid O'Hare like the Coronavirus.
  6. Dropped my daughter off at Midway this morning. It was early but minimal crowds, lines
  7. I got my gas there Thursday and it was crazy. Looked like Black Friday.
  8. The Costco parking lots around me have been overflowing for days. No idea what they still have. Walmart and Jewel are pretty wiped out. No water, toilet paper, paper towels, disinfectant, frozen vegetables, pasta and very little vegetables and meats. Found a small local grocer near me that had meat and got a few days worth.
  9. Was going to do some yard work today but it's snowing.
  10. I'm using my Samsung Pay more often now so I don't have to touch the keypad.
  11. Costco parking lots are overflowing in the Chicago suburbs. Yesterday they had probably 30 pallets of TP. Took up a whole aisle. Majority were leaving with TP and water. Walgreens had no TP, no disinfectants and not much flu meds. Feel bad for those coming down with the flu who may actually need something. Realized I was out of cold and flu meds so I ordered some on Amazon yesterday and is expected to arrive in a week.
  12. See the post below - from page 6 of this thread.
  13. Apparently the best Coronavirus resource- https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/ Has a cool interactive map. Another resource- https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 83% of affected countries have a mortality rate less than 1%
  14. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/03/coronavirus-ten-reasons-not-to-panic/
  15. I think I saw somewhere that 99% of the people that have died in Italy were over age 60. And 3/4 of Italy is now under quarantine.
  16. You might be interested in this- https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/03/04/blindsided-on-the-supply-side/
  17. Bad news sells. A stock market selloff, big weather event, murder, pick your favorite. News people know how to get viewers.
  18. The daily Coronavirus death toll is reminiscent of the Vietnam body count. We just had more people die in the Nashville tornado. 1500 people die daily from cancer. We need a little perspective here. Sensible precautions are fine but people are going way overboard.
  19. I've seen that stuff. I could see where they were researching it with the idea of possibly using against the US. I'm sure we are doing something similar. China screwed up is a major understatement. Anyways, at this point, while I see it becoming more widespread, agree risk is minimal for people in the US. The effect on the global economy , not so minimal.
  20. I can agree about a non traditional war with China. Don't see how the virus is a part. They certainly didn't intend for it to escape there and bring their economy to a standstill hoping that it might make its way to the US after ravaging major parts of China.
  21. Up to 3 in Cook Co IL. Panic setting in as there was a run on a Costco in NY. We are way ahead of this one. It took 1000 people to die in the US from H1N1 before Obama declared a state of emergency. With only 1 US death, there is no need to panic. I see the media really adding fuel to this.
  22. I love checking out craft breweries. My wife even let me plan our Honeymoon to get in as many as we could. Have visited breweries in Alaska, CA, Utah (loved the wings at Uinta), AZ, MT, WY, WI, IL, IN, MI, British Columbia and probably a few others. I prefer ales- preferably amber, red and or brown. Alaskan Amber is one I keep going back to. Rock Bottom is my goto local restaurant. Currently have their Fire Chief on tap. I like 3 Floyds but don't get too often. Will drink red/white wine when the occasion calls for it and whiskey but not a connoisseur. .
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