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Everything posted by Reacher

  1. Interesting that overall death in Europe are declining. Guess the stay at home orders having an unintended consequence- http://euromomo.eu/ I could get behind this. Face masks save lives-
  2. Get that baby up on ebay! I found 2 in my basement. Saving for my parents or if someone else in the family catches it.
  3. Don't like what I am seeing here. Who is going to even be honest? This is going too far IMO. We have really come to the seizure of personal property? Executive order from the governor of Colorado- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Sp3le5zUavA3GKM_omeDXpm7FNfL-wSt/view "I request that any Colorado business or non-hospital health care facility, whether veterinary, dental, construction, research, institution of higher learning, or other, in possession of PPE, ventilators, respirators and anesthesia machines that are not required for the provision of critical health care services undertake an inventory of such supplies by no later than March 26th, 2020 and prepare to send it to the State of Colorado. I direct the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to allocate any supplies received pursuant to this order to support activities related to the COVID-19 response."
  4. Social distancing thru April 30 now- https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-coronavirus-briefing-death-rate-social-distancing
  5. Here is a nice 8 min video of his senior season highlights- http://www.hudl.com/v/2DDNCH
  6. I think their (South Korea) key has been lots of early testing and treatment. With the curve flattened, the fatality rate is not increasing due to an overburdened medical system. I agree that this will not go away. Eventually everyone gets it. Hopefully most get the vaccine. It all about managing it now. Hopefully a few weeks is enough to get the tests out and find an effective treatment so we can begin a return to normal. Very concerned about the media, cities and states that are floating 2 months or more of lock down. I see that doing considerable more damage, on many fronts, than the virus itself. I do think the elderly will have to social distance, at a minimum, until a vaccine is out.
  7. "A cluster of three counties in rural Indiana have surging rates of confirmed cases. One of them, Decatur, population 26,000, has 30 cases with one confirmed death and another suspected, said Sean Durbin, the county’s public health emergency preparedness coordinator. Several cases were traced to large gatherings earlier in the month, including a religious retreat and a high school basketball tournament." https://apnews.com/cb56e50250328b923776408386b3a82a In hindsight, shutting down the BTT was probably the right call.
  8. Looks like the key is early testing and then the drug cocktail upon first symptoms- Thought this article on an ER Drs perspective interesting- https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/er-doctor-offers-lessons-on-treating-covid-19-patients-cheat-sheet-for-physicians-excellent-read/
  9. Not surprised by either of these stories- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-27/stacks-of-urns-in-wuhan-prompt-new-questions-of-virus-s-toll https://nypost.com/2020/03/28/marijuana-sales-up-50-in-new-york-city-amid-coronavirus-pandemic-dealer-says/
  10. I don't think the testing data can be extrapolated like that as currently it is only the very sick and celebrities getting tested.
  11. My wife had her Chase account hacked this week. Chase fraud recognized it and froze the account. That's when the nightmare began. Bank closes early so we called the 1-800#. My wife worried all our accounts being drained. One call of an hour+, then transferred to be disconnected. Luckily? I had dialed a second # on a different phone. That call lasted 5 hours and 50 minutes before being disconnected. Next morning went into the branch and after 3 hours finally got set up with new accounts, debit cards, etc. Their call center in India was offline and they were shortstaffed. Their business continuity plan left a lot to be desired.
  12. Are you worried about stuff like this? Please watch video- These people are in the middle of nowhere! Let the guy walk his dog!
  13. Weather has been lousy keeping a lid on things. Won't last long. https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2020/3/26/21195066/chicago-shootings-12-shot-wednesday-march-25-gun-violence Saw a pic of Sephora and some other Mag MIle shops boarded up to keep looters out. I think police are doing the bare minimum to keep from contacting people. Heard they are terribly prepared and got some donations of gloves and masks. Saw carjackings spiked in NYC after they released a bunch of prisoners. Stay safe @Lostin76 !
  14. I heard today one reason Trump was country reopened by April 11 (except for heavily hit areas) is the concern over drinking and drug abuse. Problems that will only get worse with more people home, unemployed, etc. In addition, the longer we are closed, the more businesses that will not reopen. Do we let tens of thousands fall victim to substance abuse and suicide or maybe a smaller # to the Coronavirus? The hope is with another week or 2 to ramp up supplies, testing, etc, we can get back to normal.
  15. Makes sense. Makes more sense.
  16. Yesterday it was New Orleans as the new hotspot. Today Michigan. from 350 to 3000+cases in a week. Gold courses ruled non essential in IL and must close.. Ridiculous, IMO. Very easy to social distance on a GC.
  17. Let me know when I can get one- https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/game-changer-britain-days-away-from-releasing-millions-of-coronavirus-finger-prick-tests-20200326-p54dyy.html
  18. I see both a rational rationale and an overreaction. We can't have the morgues overflowing (like in NYC) but no need to shut the country down. There has to be a middle road.
  19. Apparently millions may have had it. Knowing who has will let people know its safe to return to work. I think eventually it may be a part of everyones routine bloodwork.
  20. Agreed. Hope it won't be long. https://news.yahoo.com/home-coronavirus-test-may-way-192123990.html
  21. I use a lysol wipe to handle the container at banks, when pumping gas and at grocery check out lines. Better safe than sorry!
  22. Glad you clarified Maxima. I would have figured a Titan if driving a Nissan in TX
  23. I used to try and avoid directions. Some are really, really bad. Now, I generally follow them. Made too many mistakes and spent time undoing things to get right (like your basketball rim). Nothing worse then trying to undo one of those self locking fasteners once popped in.
  24. "Alex Azar, secretary of HHS, told Congress last month that the stockpile contains 12 million of the more protective N95 masks. He said there were an additional 5 million N95 masks that may have passed their expiration date. That number pales in comparison to what could be needed in a serious outbreak. Government scientists in 2015 estimated that a severe flu outbreak infecting 20 to 30 percent of the population would require at least 1.7 billion of the N95 respirators. The national stockpile used to be somewhat more robust. In 2006, Congress provided supplemental funds to add 104 million N95 masks and 52 million surgical masks in an effort to prepare for a flu pandemic. But after the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply." https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-18/hospital-makes-face-masks-covid-19-shields-from-office-supplies
  25. CDC will come out of this looking pretty bad, IMO. It is their job to be prepared and the weren't- on a number of levels. https://abc3340.com/news/nation-world/exclusive-former-hhs-official-claims-cdc-leaders-lied-to-trump-over-coronavirus-testing “From my conversations with members of the task force, both inside and outside the administration,” Meekins told Sinclair in an exclusive interview, “The U.S. government, from Secretary Azar to the president relied on the Centers for Disease Control to produce a test; they failed....CDC said they would handle it....What we have found out is that these leaders at the CDC lied to both the HHS secretary and, by extension, the president. And as a result the nation got weeks behind.”
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