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  1. Ok for us that haven't lived there what does 8ury562 mean? Haha.
  2. I mean I can make it longer but I don't really want to. Haha. Sorry been running on little sleep. I have been dealing with a scary emergency surgery that has happened to my wife. This board has been helping me get through. Last thing I am going to say on Bardo is he needs to cool it on claiming we are becoming great with the portal acquisitions. I am as excited as the next Hoosier faithful hoping all of our acquisitions become great and we can hang banner 6. I am just trying to not build up too much hope and hype. I want our guys to be hungry with a chip on their shoulder. Also the naysayers about Woody needing fired seriously take a minute and see what they are doing...literally 2 years in a row they have been winning the portal which seems to become the new thing almost more than hs recruiting. Let the lower schools take the chances on the recruits and the power 5 schools can pluck the cream of the crop after they have proven themselves. Woodson a pro coach never coached college in any capacity just a little over 3 years ago took a flailing program went to the NCAA tournament twice albeit with an All American and special talent in TJD but still has done that. Missed the tournament this year cause he's trying to figure out how and what you need when you don't have a double double machine with 3 blocks a game in the middle plugging up any glaring weaknesses. I would be surprised to see how Purdue fairs this year without Edy. It's a major downshift. So both sides gotta cool their jets and be cautiously optimistic.... Now where's that dead horse beating emoji or gif? Hope Goode is finally going to commit and we get one or two more then let's go hang banner six.
  3. Look Woody may be cooking but until we see a gourmet dinner on the table and not a burnt turkey like you find on Thanksgiving everyone just needs to cool it and take a wait and see approach!
  4. How did the Anderson visit go? I would take him in a heartbeat!
  5. https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeltnietzel/2024/04/16/indiana-university-faculty-vote-no-confidence-in-president-provost/?sh=738a8d573c93 Don't know where to put this but thought I would add it! Seems like IU President is trying to be in trouble.
  6. Thank you! I guess it is time to ask him to check his contacts out to see if this really has any legs or if this is just another click bait to let us be disappointed again!
  7. You definitely have a wonderful and eclectic taste in music although I can see how soothing that music can be.
  8. Who's our resident Celtics guy on the board?
  9. After his entire I'm a Masshole! I would basically write him off. Although maybe there's decension in the ranks in Boston but I highly doubt it with the number 1 team in the NBA. He's building a dynasty and cementing his legacy as a FHOF GM! Why would he trade that for IU who is in an identity crisis!
  10. My wife's Mom lives in Lawreceville! That's crazy!
  11. I see what you did there. I honestly was going for the most mundane and boring thing we could talk about and yet you all never let me down to take it a completely different way! I didn't even think about his last name being Painter.
  12. Alright now onto more important matters than discussing an inevitability of UConn winning this game and Purdue always flamming out when the pressure is on! I really felt like UConn was Thanos in this scenario and there was no Avengers! After seeing the F IU and IU Sucks chant honestly it isn't even worth our time anymore to discuss Purdue. We have more important things to talk about such as how paint dries!
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