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Everything posted by rico

  1. My Dad is soon to be 78 and an avid b-ball fan. He loves these discussions when they come up. The NBA spans his lifetime. He would tell you that LeBron, without a doubt, is the greatest player he has ever seen. Think about that for a while. And fwiw, Dad is a Bulls fan. King James is like Wilt but better. He is a freak.
  2. Exactly. I have seen some of the greats. LBJ is something else. I would invite anybody to tell me another player in the NBA that can literally carry their team on their back. I am not a James fan, but I sure as hell respect his greatness.
  3. Love your MLB analogy and it is spot on. It will be deemed a bad trade if PG does indeed bolt from OKC. One year rental with no results. And the Thunder fans look at what they gave up for him.
  4. Wait, they play basketball in Boston?
  5. Look on the bright side......the Vic trade made OKC fans forget about the horrible Harden trade!!!!!!!
  6. When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President. I’m beginning to believe it. – Clarence Darrow
  7. https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/masai-ujiris-frustration-with-dwane-casey-reached-boiling-point-after-lebron-james-sunk-raptors-in-game-3-per-report/
  8. I agree, but he did cut his teeth with Casey.
  9. Not at all talking a trade to the Pacers. Just curious as to what the Raptors think his worth is. Somehow I feel that those guys aren't happy about their coach getting fired.
  10. Which begs the question.......what does Toronto think his value his?
  11. OMG!!!!!!! I can't believe this.
  12. As I alluded to up above about the teams. It is better today than it was in the 80's. But it would be ironic if the Celtics and the Rockets met in the championship. The 80's all over again!
  13. So, you are saying that you enjoyed it in the 80's when pretty much 3 teams dominated? And I am being kind when I say 3. It was really 2. Celtics and the Lakers, but I will throw Philly a bone.
  14. You are preaching to the choir!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Now that right there is one damn fine quote........I have been asking that for years.
  16. To me, JMHO, the NBA coaching gig is less stressful than college. In college you deal with recruiting, academics, and the like.
  17. A writer should concern himself with whatever absorbs his fancy and unlimbers his typewriter. – E. B. White
  18. Three things in human life are important: The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. – Henry James
  19. Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. – Og Mandino
  20. Whatever you are, be a good one. – Abraham Lincoln
  21. Does anybody have a list of how many former Hoosiers have rings?
  22. Came across this........ https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/nba-rookie-power-rankings-10-under-the-radar-rookies-to-know-heading-into-next-season/ Keep it up O.G.
  23. The harder the conflict, the greater the triumph.” – George Washington
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