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Everything posted by rico

  1. History writes everything. Opinions are fine but 50 years from now people will marvel at what LeBron accomplished.
  2. Ut oh Scott, Larkin was a stud. I am bowing out.
  3. I would like to say how much the food industry has change in my lifetime. Back when I was young we had chickens. We gathered the eggs and we ate them. We milked the cows and we drank it. We raised beef cattle, we would butcher a few a year and eat beef. We had hogs, we did the same with them. The main thing is, we knew what we were feeding them. Does that make any sense?
  4. I figured as much...........JSMH
  5. I have never heard of the other ones.
  6. Thank you and I would tell everyone here to watch the documentary "Super Size Me". Fascinating.
  7. Although my original post was in jest.....there is truth behind it in my case. 3 months ago I went in for my annual check-up. Doctor said I would be in better health if I took off 30 lbs. So since then, I have shed 15. I still drink my beer, but stay away from the carbs. Eat steak all the time with a green vegetable. But the most important thing was I cut out the fast food.
  8. Or maybe LeBron fires Gilbert?
  9. Just eat the damn cheesecake........but I must admit, you got me hungry for one!
  10. I have been giving that some thought. I will have to do a little more research to refresh my memory banks. But they are horrid.
  11. I just had a physical. The doctor said, "Don't eat anything fatty." I said, "Like bacon and burgers?" He said, "No fatty, don't eat anything!"
  12. Here is something to ponder.....what if the Rockets or the Blazers would have selected MJ in the draft?
  13. Hey, it is baseball season!!!!!!
  14. It ain't. The title thing is way too over rated. Greatness is what it is. Dan Marino was great as was Ted Williams. No titles. LBJ is the GOAT.
  15. Well, he was right. I remember him saying that.
  16. I think this stuff goes on in all sports. Who better to fix a game than the people officiating it?
  17. What does a car have to do with it?
  18. Funny thing is.....neither team deserves to be there. I ain't watching.
  19. Good post. What I saw last night made me sick. Hell my Dad got so mad he left. The fix was in.
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