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Everything posted by rico

  1. Yep. Very interesting man according to my history lessons. Another Indiana legend that does not get talked about near enough.
  2. I am pretty sure Wallace was the General.
  3. Civil War huh? Hmmmmm. Well it could be Abe.....but I don't think so. Custer was from Ohio, I think. I do remember hearing something about our Governor during the Civil War.......how about Oliver Morton?
  4. I paid attention in my Indiana history class! Lew was quite the man. Now as far as the other one hmmmmmmm. You said you could tie it to sports. Gary Wallace is named after Lew. Hmmmmmmm. So if we keep with that theme. I will say Anthony Wayne.
  5. Good one.....seems like I might know one. Taking a stab here.....Lewis Wallace?
  6. My question of the day....... What team did IU beat in the 77-78 season that featured 8 future NBA players?
  7. I want to expand on Carl Erskine a tad. I don't know how many years ago it was because I am getting old. But I got called into the office to get a job assignment. It was in Anderson and it was Erskine elementary school. At first the name didn't register...but it didn't take long as I remember my Dad talking about Carl Erskine in my youth and what a great pitcher he was. So I go down to Anderson to take a look at the job as my company was hired to do the siding on the school. The school wasn't ready for us to start our job.......but the baseball field was done. So I am standing outside looking and trying to figure out a time frame as to when I could get my crew there. I was smoking a cigarette when I hear this voice..."Son, you need to give up that nasty habit". I spun around and there is this old guy. I said Sir this is a construction site do you have permission to be here? He said I hope so this is my land or at least it was. I asked why he had lost it. He said he didn't, he had donated it to the Anderson community schools. Then it all made sense to me. I said Sir, are you Carl Erskine? He said yes in the flesh. To make a long story short, I have his autograph. And he checked on our progression weekly as far as the siding always giving me hell about my smoking. You can see the school from I-69 from the south bound lane. Helluva a guy. So if you see the school think of me putting siding on and meeting Carl Erskine. BTW, he did throw 2 no-hitters. An Indiana legend that doesn't get talked about nearly enough.
  8. Yeah, it was just sad. I often wonder what if? The guy was a beast on the field. What if he played an entire career?
  9. He got his start with the Twins. He got shot and killed in Gary. He had family there.
  10. Damn you are on it. That be correct. The guy that shot him pleaded insanity and he won. IIRC he spent about 20 months in an institution and then was free as a bird.
  11. I will stick with NWI for my question today. What MLB player's death led to the changing of the state of Indiana changing their insanity laws?
  12. Ding ding ding.....we have a winner. Today's "Rico Suave" award goes to you my friend.
  13. WTF......you didn't say Tommy John? So I take it you know the answer....just say it.
  14. Let's try this one..... What former major league pitcher, that at one time, had the most K's in a WS game(14) and now has a school named after him in Indiana?
  15. I need a hint. Did it happen last night? LOL
  16. I like Waylon......but there are a lot of different stories surrounding that night. I really dont know what the truth is. But I know this much.....Holly, Big Bopper, and Valens died. Waylon was there at that show as well as Dion and the Belmonts.
  17. Well my Mom and Dad grew up in that era and were Holly fans. The legend I was told is that Waylon Jennings lost a coin clip to Valens for the last seat on the plane. But there is a lot of controversy about the events of that fateful night. Lou Diamond-Phillips
  18. BTW, the next wont be so easy.
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