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Everything posted by rico

  1. Stock up on ammo and fishing bait....
  2. I am stocked up on ammo...
  3. Lou Piniella? Ozzie Guillen?
  4. Trust me fellas, I didn't get it right either! The guy wasn't even on my radar.
  5. That was Hudek's career year as he finished 2nd in the RoY voting. He had 16 saves that year and never approached that again his very brief career. Ironically, the Astros had another young closer on the team at the same time. Hudek fizzled the other went on to save over 300 games...Todd Jones.
  6. You old codger...you looked it up!!!!! And that be correct.
  7. Got to think rookie at the time.
  8. Yes it is a reliever and no to Sutter.
  9. Heard an interesting baseball one yesterday... Who became the first Major League pitcher to appear in an All-Star game that hadn't recorded his 1st Major League win yet?
  10. NFL Draft gonna be done by teleconference?
  11. I just saw where China reported only 8 new cases yesterday.
  12. I would say that is too far in the future. From what I am hearing these next 30 days will tell a lot.
  13. Only a matter of time before the rest of state follows suit.
  14. Ohio just suspended their state's basketball, wrestling, and hockey tournaments.
  15. No big deal my friend. No need to apologize whatsoever. And YES...GO REDS!!!!!
  16. Ohio Governor just announced schools in his state will be shut down for 3 weeks beginning March 15th.
  17. Has anybody seen anything on China's food supply?
  18. I hear ya about the administration in California.
  19. A case in South Bend has emerged.
  20. Look...we go from the virus to talking about the POTUS to Puerto Rico...WTF? Political agenda that doesn't belong here.
  21. So far it has been business as usual here in the Warsaw area.
  22. Pretty much what has been discussed in my area.
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